Invited Talk: AI in Energy Sector by Prof. Mladen Kezunović (Texas A&M)

University of Donja Gorica and HPC NCC Montenegro invited a special guest, prof. dr Mladen Kezunović, a Regents Professor at Texas A&M University and Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Kezunović will give talk on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sector. This lecture is part of the series of events pertaining to HPC/AI applications in the priority domains of Motenegrin S3 and in line with the EuroCC NCC Montengro goal for engaging industry with respect to HPC/AI applications . The event is planned for 9:30h on 30 May 2022. Due to a limited number of seats, please register using the form is available here. We are also providing a link for online access to the lecture on YouTube (click here for live video).

Summary – The topic of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and associated analytics rose to prominence as the huge amounts of data became available through the space exploration, weather projections and medical biogenetic investigations. The humans deployed AI/ML to create data models to automate the data analysis, which may be infeasible to do manually or by simulations of physical systems only. Social media and commercial outlets such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and others have used for a while AI/ML the analysis of huge data sets to develop data models to predict consumer behavior.  The power system operators are lately experiencing huge amounts of data obtained through field measurements and external sources such as variety of weather and other ambient data.

This talk focuses on the role of AI/ML data analytics in managing and controlling future power system by predicting power system outages at different spatiotemporal scales.  The importance of outage prediction is explored, and examples how the AI/ML analytics are recently used to successful predict the risk of transmission and distribution faults are explored. The use of the risk prediction maps to manage the risk of forced outages and mitigate their impacts, as well as how the risk analysis can be used to schedule participation of distributed energy resources to mitigate outages is illustrated with a few examples. The future trends are also outlined.

Click on image to open registration form

NCC Montenegro at the EuroCC F2F meeting in Frankfurt

EuroCC organized first F2F meeting at Frankfurt on 28.04.2022. Partners, who had worked together for more than a year online, met together and presented achievements of all participant countries in area of HPC, HPDA and AI. 

NCC Montenegro participated in the meeting and discussions on the implementation activities. Sanja Nikolic and Luka Filipovic presented the accomplishments of Montenegrin team. In the second part of the meeting, the participants agreed on the next steps in the project and further cooperation.

Ms Sanja NIkolic presenting the progress in NCC Monteengro
Project results summarized into three main pillars
NCC Monteengro Outlook and Goals

AI Master program presented at Axon webinar

This semester, the AXON Association of Applied Psychology Students organized a series of multidisciplinary lectures linking psychology and artificial intelligence, entitled “The Era of Artificial Intelligence.”

During the last session held on April 28, Dr. Tomo Popovic presented a new Master Program in Artificial Intelligence, which is being implemented at the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, with the support of NCC Montenegro and the EuroCC project. The presentation was followed by over 30 participants.

AI Master program presented at the AXON webinar
There was over 30 attendees at the event

EuroCC featured in the Round Table on Machine Learning Organized by Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts

EuroCC and AIMHiGH/FF4EuroHPC projects were featured in presentations during the round table “Deep Machine Learning”. This event was organized by the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. The event took place on March 21, 2022. at the Rectorate building at the University of Montenegro. The participant discussed artificial intelligence and deep learning use cases and practical perspectives. Researchers from AIMHiGH project gave presentation on development of IoT Edge Computer Vision Sensors for smart farms supported by HPC and AI.

HPC and AI for Development of IoT Computer Vision Sensors for Smart Farms
EuroCC NCC Montengro was featured in the presentation
AIMHiGH project results were presented in the presentation

Evaluation of trends in jobs and skill‑sets using data analytics: a Case study, by Dr Armin Alibasic et al.

Member of the EuroCC Montenegro National Competence Center team, Dr Armin Alibasic together with co-authors Himanshu Upadhyay, Mecit Can Emre Simsekler, Thomas Kurfess, Wei Lee Woon and Mohammed Atif Omar conducted research published in the paper titled “Evaluation of trends in jobs and skill ‑ sets using data analytics: a Case study” in the Journal of Big Data. The article is available at the following link.

APSTRACT – A novel data-driven approach is developed to identify trending jobs through a case study in the oil and gas industry. The proposed approach leverages a range of data analytics tools, including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Factor Analysis and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), to study changes in the market. Further, our approach is capable of identifying disparities between skills that are covered by the educational system, and the skills that are required in the job market. Novel data-driven approach is developed to identify trending jobs through a case study in the oil and gas industry. The proposed approach leverages a range of data analytics tools, including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Factor Analysis and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), to study changes in the market. Further, our approach is capable of identifying disparities between skills that are covered by the educational system, and the skills that are required in the job market.​

Dr. Alibasic published an article in the Journal of Big Data

Axon Lecture Series: How to make emotionally intelligent AI

The Association of Applied Psychology Students “Axon” continues a series of three multidisciplinary lectures entitled “The Era of Artificial Intelligence”.

A lecture by Ms Irena Jerkovic from Zagreb

On that occasion, on Friday, March 18, at 3 pm, via the Zoom platform, our guest Irena Jerković from Zagreb will hold a lecture on “How to make emotionally intelligent AI”. Irena Jerković is a psychologist, founder and co-founder of two start-ups CrevPulse and Improv3, CPO at TalentLift, an enthusiast for building emotionally intelligent AI technology that can improve people’s quality of life.

Young researchers from UDG participated in the event

Round Table Event “Deep Machine Learning” Organized by Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts

Scientific conference “Information and Communication Technologies – Current state and Perspectives”, on “Deep Machine Learning”, organized by the Committee for Information and Communication Technologies of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and co-organized by the University of Montenegro, will be held on Monday, March 21, 2022, at the Rectorate of the University of Montenegro, starting at 11 am. The agenda for the event is available here.

EuroCC NCC Montenegro and AIMHiGH projects will be featured in the presentation “Development of IoT Edge Computer Vision Sensors for Smart Farms Supported by HPC and AI”.

“Deep Machine Learning” conference organized by the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts