Open Mind Academy: Successful Python Course for High-school students

During the summer school of game programming, students had the opportunity to learn the basics of the Python programming language, and later the pyGame game development package within the EuroCC NCC Montenegro.

Python programming for high-school students

In the first part of the training, students learned why programming is so widespread today, what the basic data types are in Python, what are the conditions and loops. Also, students had the opportunity to learn what lists and dictionaries are, but also what object-oriented programming is. Besides listening to lectures, everyone who wanted to follow the second part of the training had to do homework (writing essays and programming). In the second part of the training, intensive lectures were held where the participants heard more about the Python package pyGame. This package is used to develop games in Python. Through the creation of the game, students learned how to program movement in games, detect collisions between objects, add graphics, sound. At the end of this part of the training, 4 teams were formed. The last day of training was organized as a competition between teams. Their task was to make a smaller game. The winning team won the prize to participate in this year’s conference within the EuroCC NCC Montenegro project.

Students spent time in online sessions to prepare and then three full days at the UDG

It was a pleasure for us to work with such a talented group of young people who we expect will achieve great success in the future.

Online sessions were attended by 25 students and 16 of them came for 3-day workshop at the UDG