Training Workshop on AI and IoT at the IEEE IT2023 Conference

UDG and NCC Montenegro team continue with the implementation of a training project called “Competency Training for IoT and AI – InnovateYourFuture” supported by ANSO – Alliance of International Science Organizations, China. A training event is organized in a form of Workshop at the upcoming IEEE IT2023 conference that is taking place 15-18 February in Žabljak, Montenegro (link). The workshop will include introduction to AI and IoT (AIoT), software tools for AI/ML, edge AI, and IoT, and presentation and practical demonstrations. The target audience is MSc, BSc, and high-school students, but others are welcome, too. The conference program is available at the following link.

Click on image to open IEEE IT2023 conference program

EuroCC2 & CASTIEL2 Kick-Off Conference

NCC Montenegro representative Sanja Nikolic, attended EuroCC2 & CASTIEL2 Kick-Off Conference held in Stuttgart, Feb 7th – 9th 2023. First day of the conference was reserved for the NCCs pitch-presentations, including brief introduction, key activities, collaboration opportunities and EuroCC2 goals.

EuroCC2 & CASTIEL2 Kick-Off Conference

EUROCC and CASTIEL teams introduced EUROCC2 project management framework, operative responsibilities and requested deliverables. Joint expectations in pursuing further HPC industry uptake were emphasized, with special regard to strategic cooperation between NCCs (acting as national HPC+ hubs), CoEs (Centres of Excellence – specialised in certain fields of HPC+ applications) and EDIHs (European Digital Hubs – supporting private & public companies in digital transformation).

NCC Montenegro presentation

Working Sessions were organized to support discussion on main project activities and goals in the task areas of Competences, Trainings, Industry and Communication; as well as to support immersive interaction and further networking of NCCs and CoEs representatives. Panel Discussions evolved around HPC+ best practices, following user-centric approach: 1) SME interaction issues; 2) Big Industry examples; 3) Public Sector initiatives and 4) Importance of Academic usage. Selected NCCs shared valuable insights and proven initiatives on increasing HPC+ awareness and adoption. In addition, two useful tools for strengthening industry interaction and companies’ outreach were presented: HPC4SME (Arctur, Slovenia) and Marketplace (Teratec, France).

Panel discussions
Discussion on Industry Best Practices

EuroCC2 and CASTIEL2 will further “grow” on achievements of EUROCC/CASTIEL project, capitalizing on best practices and collaboration efforts of NCCs pan-European network, being further committed to promote and facilitate uptake of HPC and associated technologies HPDA, AI, Quantum Computing, across a various range of industries.

EuroCC2 and Castiel2 Kick-off group photo

Discussion on AI and ChatGPT at the national TV

Mr Milutin Pavicevic (Alicorn CEO and PhD candidate at the UDG) and Mr Kosta Pavlovic (PhD candidate at the UCG) were invited to the national TV program “Good morning Montenegro”. The discussion was focused on AI and ChatGPT, perspectives and possibilties.

Milutin Pavicevic, PhD candidate at UDG
Discussion on the role of AI and ChatGPT in our lives in the near future

EuroCC2 project presented at a panel discussion in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro

At the panel discussion called “Strategic planning of digitization of higher education in Montenegro in the post-COVID-19 era” in Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, the project EuroCC2 – National Competence Centers for HPC, which has started with its implementation was presented today.

Dr. Sandra Tinaj presenting the EuroCC2 in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro

Representing the University of Donja Gorica and NCC Montenegro, the general manager of UDG Assoc. Dr. Sandra Tinaj, who was one of the panelists, along with representatives of other higher education institutions in Montenegro, addressed the present audience. She pointed out that the EuroCC2 project is of great importance precisely in the field of digitization of higher education, but also invited all interested members of the general public to contact the HPC Montenegro Center in case of providing additional information and support – in order to raise awareness of the importance of this project, but also the opportunities that it can provide to our community in general.

The panel was attended by representatives from industry, academia and public sector

EuroCC2 and Castiel2

We are excited that NCC Montenegro is going to be a part of EuroCC2 and Castiel2 projects. The EuroHPC JU continues to fund two flagship projects, EuroCC and Castiel, to build a European network of National Competence Centres for HPC, acting as a hub to promote and facilitate HPC uptake and related technologies across a range of industries. The projects were selected following the call DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-NCC-01Search for available translations of the preceding link. The main goal of the EuroCC2 is promoting HPC to boost digital skills, jobs and industrial competitiveness in Europe.

EuroHPC JU continues funding EuroCC2 and Castiel2 project

Starting on 1st January 2023, the project EuroCC2 will run for a 3-year period with a total budget of up to €62 million, provided by the Digital Europe Programme and the EuroHPC Participating States. CASTIEL 2 will also run for a 3-year period starting 1st January 2023 and receive up to €3 million funding from the Digital Europe Programme.

EuroCC 2 and Castiel 2 follow on from EuroCC and Castiel, which started on 1 September 2020 and ran for two years. The two projects received funding from Horizon 2020. More info at the EuroCC2 website.

UDG and EuroCC Montenegro at the upcoming IEEE IT 2023 Conference

In the period from 15th – 18th of February the 27th international scientific and professional conference “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 2023” (IEEE IT 2023) will traditionally be hosted in Zabljak. The conference will be held in the organization of: University of Montenegro – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Donja Gorica – Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, IT Society Montenegro, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences, IEEE Association and IEEE Section for Serbia and Montenegro, with full support of the company Cikom from Podgorica. The chairman of the conference is prof. dr Bozo Krstajic from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro.

IT2023 – click on image to open website

Lectures and round table discussions will be organized at the Conference on trends in the development of information and communication technologies in the world, as well as current events in this field in Montenegro. Special session dedicated to project presentations will include EuroCC2 project – National Competence Centres for HPC, two H2020-MSCA projects TRACEWINDU and ODDEA, H2020 projects NI4OS-Europe and DEMETER, Eureka TRADE, Erasmus DigNest, and others.

The conference will include: a short course for Edge AI in IoT solutions (organzed by ANSO and EuroCC Montenegro), an HPC/AI workshop with applications, a presentation of the European cloud of open science and the results of successful international projects. This year, a student workshop will also be held as part of the DigNEST project, which will focus on IT innovations in the field of health and agriculture. In addition to the above mentioned, the papers that have arrived and refer to topics from these areas will also be presented at the Conference.

Click to watch

All those interested can follow the activities at the Conference online as well, through the video conference access links available on the official website of the Conference (link).

HPC4S3ME IPA Project

The full title of this new project is “Building scientific and innovation potential to utilize HPC and AI for S3 Smart Specialisation in Montenegro – HPC4S3ME” and it is funded by the IPA II program, call reference EuropeAid/172-351/ID/ACT/ME.

The overall objective of HPC4S3ME project is to contribute to straightening research excellence by building scientific and innovation potential based on the use of high performance computing and artificial intelligence (AI) for applications in industrial domains proposed by the Smart Specialisation Strategy (2019-2024) for Montenegro. The implementation of this project will provide a state-of-the-art environment for young researchers to gain experience in research and development in computer science, more specifically to apply machine learning and deep learning algorithms supported by HPC in order to create innovative information-communication technology solutions for applications in agriculture and food value chain, health and tourism, energy and sustainable environment, namely the priority domains identified by the smart specialisation strategy. This is a two-year project and it starts in Jan 2023.

Click on image to open HPC4S3ME website