Researchers from the EuroCC NCC Montenegro team published a scientific paper in IOS press journal Technology and Health Care – Volume Pre-press. This article belongs to the “Special Issue for magazine Technology and health care: official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine ” (link). The paper “Competence development as critical issue for successful performance in HPC technology environment: A case study of Montenegro” by B. Malisic, S. Tinaj provides an overview of the concepts and systems needed to develop the competencies needed to implement modern technology such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Montenegro. In work and in practice through the EuroCC project within the National Competence Center Montenegro, we start from a holistic approach to competences, which includes or integrates knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that influence the ability and competence for certain actions, in this case for the adoption and application of technology. Learn more at the following link.

ABSTRACT: This paper provides an overview of the concepts and systems needed to develop the competencies needed to implement modern technology such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Montenegro. In this research paper competencies are viewed holistically. This paper will elaborate the defined competencies related to the HPC technology environment, identified during the implementation of the EuroCC project in Montenegro, but also based on market analyses, combined with the identified indicators of absorption capacity, generally at the national level. By identifying the innovative and business potential of representatives of the public, academic and economic sectors, with special reference to small and medium-sized companies and the IT cluster that make up the dominant segments in the structure of the market sample, as generators and accelerators of innovation, smart growth and the digital economy, we got a clear picture regarding the development of necessary competencies within the NCC team but also at the national level. There must be a systemic approach and sustainable, dynamic projects and tools for the development of human resources in the development of competences.