AI4S3 – Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy

NCC Montenegro team members and the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies (UDG), with the support of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro as part of the program to encourage the development of innovation culture and the organization of education in the areas of expertise in Montenegro, organizes a three-month training called “AI4S3 – Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy” which will be held in the period from the beginning of October to the end of December 2023.

AI4S3 – Computer vision applications in S3

The purpose of education is to provide young people with high-quality education in order to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills needed for a successful career, but also to, above all, interest participants in the field of artificial intelligence and to become participants in the digital transformation of Montenegro. The education program is divided into 5 modules: Python Programming, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, Python Libraries and Tools for Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in S3 Areas, and final project work. In addition to the fact that participants will acquire enough knowledge and skills needed for further research in this very current field, they will have the opportunity to expand their network of acquaintances and meet young people with similar interests. The program and agenda (in Montenegrin) is available here.

Registration is open until Sep 28th ath the following link.

The organization of this 3-month training is supported by the Innovation fund of Montenegro

EuroHPC JU Information Day for AI on Supercomputers

EuroHPC JU organizes a virtual event “Information Day on AI and Supercomputers. This three-hours virtual event will take place on September 26th, 9:30 – 12:30 CEST. The virtual event will discuss:

  • how EuroHPC JU supercomputers can be used for AI applications,
  • the access possibilities to these supercomputers,
  • the current and upcoming AI related calls and activities,
  • the support possibilities of EuroCC national competence centres
  • examples of numerous success stories that used many of the possibilities provided by EuroHPC JU.

Interested participants can register to the event at the following link.

EuroHPC JU organizes a virtual Information Day on AI and Supercomputers on Sep 26th

EuroHPC JU is a joint initiative between the EU, European countries and private partners to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe. It is jointly funded by its members with a budget of around EUR 7 billion. At the moment EuroHPC JU is operating six of the biggest and fastest supercomputers in Europe and globally, equipped with different types of GPUs and CPUs as well as other types of processors for users to use. Whether these are situated in your own country or in neighbouring countries you can access them for free.

NCC Turkey presented White Paper – SME HPC Maturity Model

NCC Montenegro representatives attended CASTIEL supported, presentation of White Paper “Development of a Maturity Assessment Tool to Improve SME HPC Capabilities” for EuroCC2 industry working group. Dr Özlem Sarı, NCC Turkey, presented industrial users acquisition process and development of HPC Maturity Assessment Tool to improve SME HPC capabilities.

During the presentation, Proof of Concept study, Course of Action, GAP analyses, as well as methodological approach and validation process were duly elaborated. In addition, there was a vibrant discussion on challenges faced and experiences were shared regarding SME collaboration and industry interaction, especially regarding assessment results/HPC maturity levels, identifying HPC-suitable problems and business benefits of HPC integration.

Twinning activities: NCC Romania and Montenegro

Representatives from NCC Montenegro and NCC Romania organized a productive one-day online workshop aimed at sharing knowledge and complementary experiences related to academic collaboration, training activities, industry interaction processes, communication tools and success stories/use cases. The agenda for the meeting is available at this link.

During the workshop, participants contributed with valuable insights and engaged in constructive discussions around common challenges including: training portfolio development, open source code repositories, cross-NCCs Open Call for innovative SMEs, technical expertise /HPC infrastructure access, methodologies for competence mapping, needs assessment end-user engagement, service offerings, communication channels exploitation etc.

A dedicated session was also conducted, with a focus on HPC/HPDA/AI success stories and use cases, primarily in smart agriculture, precise meteorology, and medical AI/ML based applications. This session generated discussions on benefits provided by AI/ML models and underlying HPC technologies, including increased productivity, enhanced model performance, improved accuracy and time-saving solutions.

The collaboration between both teams proved successful start, setting a solid foundation for future joint activities. Initial timing and resource planning were discussed for upcoming joint training sessions tailored for academia, researchers and students, as well as an opportunity for co-organized workshops designed for industry managers.

Association of Montenegrin Managers recognizes the importance of AI

Association of Montenegrin Managers constituted a the Committee for the AI applications and advanced technologies. In accordance with the decision of the Presidency of AMM, Ivan Šoć, the founder of Five Group, was appointed as the Chairman of the Board. Dražen Raičković, executive director of the company Business Universal Media, will be the deputy president, and Katarina Savković will be the secretary of the Board. In addition to the aforementioned, representatives of business, science and the media also joined the Board: Pavel Chagoiko – General manager – EPAM Systems, Tomo Popović – associate professor – University of Donja Gorica, Stevan Šandi – research associate – University of Donja Gorica, Slavko Kovačević – teaching associate – Faculty of Electrical Engineering (University of Montenegro), Filip Ivanović – Director of Digital – TV Vijesti. Find more info about the AMM at the following link.

Association of Montenegrin Managerers formed the Committe for AI applications (photo: AMM)

The AMM recognizes the increasing importance of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, especially in the field of business application, but also open questions and insufficient regulation concerning security, privacy and other aspects. The AMM made a decision to include artificial intelligence in its Statute and the constitution of this committee is just beginning.

AMM Commitee for AI applications and advanced technologies (photo AMM)

For EuroCC Montenegro, this an important development and an opportunity to engage the industry and business executives to promote the use of HPC and provide support in capacity building in HPC and AI.

The AMM organized the Kick-off meeting on 20.07.2023. (photo: AMM)

Four BSc theses on Artificial Intelligence and applications

We are happy to report that 4 BSc theses were defended on 18.07.2023. that were relevant to AI applications. These theses were done under mentorship of HPC4S3ME and EUROCC team. This is all part of building scientific and innovation potential to utilize HPC and AI in different domains of S3 Smart Specialisation Strategy in Montenegro. This is a great exampe of NCC support and cross-project collaboration. More about HPC4S3ME project can be found at: link.

  • Ms Tamara Lasica: “Development of Generative AI (GenAI)” (link)
  • Ms Elda Kalac: “Artificial intelligence and big data analytics” (link)
  • Mr Nikola Kavaric: “Explainable Artificial Intelligence” (link)
  • Mr Elvis Taruh: “Artificial intelligence and video games” (link)
Ms. Tamara Lasica
Mr Elvis Taruh
Mr. Nikola Kavaric

AI4S3 – educational project proposal approved

The Innovation Fund of Montenegro (the Fund) publishes the list of projects approved for financing within the framework of the Public Call for encouraging the development of innovation culture and the organization of education in the areas of smart specialization. The fund allocated funds in the total amount of 130,000 euros for financing projects within two program lines according to this Public Call. The public call for the mentioned program lines was open from May 8 to June 15, 2023.

The Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, proposed the educational project “Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy (AI4S3)” which was highly evaluated and approved for funding. This project focuses on training participants for the application of AI in the priority domains of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Montenegro (S3 Montenegro). This project is continuation of UDG and NCC Montenegro efforts to offer best education and training for HPC, AI and IT in general to Montenegrin stakeholders. The training will take place from October to December 2023.

Education in domains of S3 Montengro by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro

24 projects were submitted to the public call for the program line to encourage the development of innovative culture, of which 21 projects were sent for evaluation, while 35 projects were registered for the program line for the organization of education in the areas of smart specialization in Montenegro, of which 32 projects were sent for evaluation conducted by the Fund’s expert committee, in accordance with the Rulebook on the evaluation process. More info available at the following link.