As part of the EuroCC2 cross-NCC knowledge-sharing online events, which provide a platform for exchanging experiences on best practices, collaboration models, and impactful results, NCC Montenegro participated in the workshop “Establishing Business Relations between SMEs and Academia” on November 7th.
NCC Montenegro highlighted its outreach and onboarding activities for SMEs, featuring collaborations between academia and industry through: HPC/AI workshops and training events; development/research/innovation activities, and collaborative projects/grant schemes. A notable success story from the FinTech sector detailed how ML/HPC supported solutions addressed business challenges, including implementation steps and achieved benefits.

NCC Bulgaria emphasizes collaboration with various industry sectors and academia to foster partnerships with SMEs in addressing industry specific challenges through scientific research, training events, algorithm development, HPC solutions, and efficiency and scalability studies. Examples of successful HPC collaborations include improving precision in furniture design and analyzing advertising channel efficiency.
NCC Norway shared insights into Norway’s power market and collaboration with SINTEF Energy. By transitioning power models to HPC, they reduced simulation times from two hours to two minutes, enabling enhanced scenario testing and platform scalability.
This collaborative workshop demonstrated practical approaches across NCCs, emphasizing the shared goal of bridging the gap between academia and industry through HPC innovations.