UDG / EuroCC Montenegro will take part at the IEEE IDAACS 2021 conference

UDG researchers will be presenting the paper titled “Forecasting Day-Ahead Electricity Price with Artificial Neural Networks: a Comparison of Architectures”, authored by M. Pavicevic and T. Popovic, at the upcoming IEEE IDAACS 2021 conference. The conference will be taking place on 22-25 September 2021. The paper presents the use of AI/ML algorithms and CNN architectures for prediction of prices for the electric energy markets. More info on the conference is available at the following link.

ABSTRACT – The spot price prediction for the electric energy markets is a widely approached problem, used by many participants in the market. The ever-shifting rules and regulations, rising percentage of the electricity on the market being produced by solar and wind plants and many stochastic factors influencing it make the market price of electricity very volatile and hard to forecast. Many methods are used to tackle this problem, and their efficiency varies from dataset to dataset. In this work, we use the dataset of hourly day-ahead spot prices from the Hungarian HUPX market, and couple it with weather data for Hungary. We test various types of Dense, Recurrent and Convolutional neural network architectures and report on the results.

M. Pavicevic, a Master candidate at the UDG, will be presenting at the IEEE IDAACS 2021

Seminar – University in the Future of Miracles, The AI Economy

On the 31st of August 2021 at the Univeresity of Donja Gorica a seminar called “University in the future of miracles” whose creator is professor Veselin Vukotic, rector of the University, was held. The idea of the seminar is to engage into discussion and exchange of ideas about books which were given on the recommendation of professor Vukotic:

  1. “The AI Economy: Work, Wealth and Welfare in the Age of the Robot”, Roger Bootle;
  2. Superconnected: internet, digitalni mediji i tehno-društveni život”, Mary Chayko;
  3. „Change “, Richard Gerver.

The book chosen for the first seminar was “The AI Economy: Work, Wealth and Welfare in the Age of the Robot” by Roger Bootle. The presenters had the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about the book as well as engage into discussions with all present.

The AI Economy by R. Bootle wat the first book discussed at the Seminar

According to the planned agenda, the introductory speech was given by professor Vukotic, after which the chosen presenters continued. Short introductory presentations were given by: Zoran Djikanovic PhD, Ivana Ognjanovic PhD and Luka Lakovic MSc.

The seminar was attended by around 70 professors and associates of UDG.

Fortissimo FF4EuroHPC Experiment Workshop

HPC NCC Moontenegro is attending a two day workshop on experiments done in context of FF4EuroHPC project demonstrating the use of HPC, HPDA and AI for solving real-life problems using HPC technology (July 6-7, 2021). Over 50 participants attending and discussing the benefits and opportunities HPC, HPDA and AI offer. The experiments are focused on business aspect of applications and demonstration on how HPC, DA and AI can help crete new vaule to SMEs. NCC Montenegro is participating in one of the FF4EuroHPC experiments targeting the use of HPC and AI in creation of a HPC supported computer vision sensors for the poultry sector.

Over 50 people attending during the first day of the workshop

Info Day: EuroCC project – National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC

On July 2nd 2021 at the University of Donja Gorica an Info day was held within the EuroCC project – National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC.

The aim of the project is to raise the level of knowledge and expertise in the field of HPC technologies (high performance computing), review the existing and potential application of HPC technologies in the field of small and medium enterprises, and establish the HPC National Center of Excellence for Montenegro that will provide technical expertise and access to supercomputers through cloud infrastructure.

Info Day at UDG/NCC Montenegro was attended by 50 participants from industry

The Info day was attended by around 50 participants, representatives of academic institutions from three universities, research institutions and various companies in Montenegro. The aim of the Info Day was to present the activities and work of NCC Montenegro as well as the presentation and implementation of the first HPC4SME Assessment Tool and discussions about the possibilities for future cooperation.

In addition to the above mentioned, Mr. Tomi Ilijaš presented the possibilities of FF4EuroHPC Open Call 2.

Pleae click on image to play video.

HPC Info Day for Companies

HPC NCC Montenegro is organizing an Info Day for companies in Montenegro. The event will take place at the University of Donja Gorica (amphitheater AS) on July 2, 2021. The main goal of the event is to inform the industry community about the EuroCC project and the activities of HPC NCC Montenegro. NCC will provide a short introduction on HPC and its applications. Also, we invited representatives from FF4EuroHPC project to promote the Open Call #2 for SMEs during this event. Finally, we will inform the companies about the HPC assessment tool and invite them to participate in the survey. The agenda is provided below:

Click on image to open a PDF version of the agenda.

Open Mind Academy Training Event

NCC Montenegro has successfully completed the realization of training Analyzing Social Media Trends and Python Video Game Programming within the Open Mind Academy for high school students at University of Donja Gorica UDG. The training were organized within work activities 34.2 Training and Skills development and were held in the period of 20th of April till 17th of May. The first set of training was held online and the second set of training was held in the University’s building, organized as a two-day event. There were around 30 participants from various high schools throughout Montenegro.
Within the Open Mind Academy at the University of Donja Gorica training called ANALYZING SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS in the field of Data Science and PYTHON VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMING were held. The training aimed at animating young people to get familiarized with modern technologies and acquire basic knowledge for enrollment in AI.
The candidates had the opportunity to listen to and work with colleagues from the NCC Montenegro research team: Armin Alibašić PhD, Stevan Šandi MA, Stevan Čakić MA and Bojana Mališić MA.
The training within the Open Mind Academy were intended for high school students who wished to gain practical experience in one of the very current areas using modern technologies such as 3D printing, design, programming, drones, AI and others, all in collaboration with lecturers from UDG. The knowledge acquired will enable participants to more easily build their future in one of the areas they choose with this program.

Final day Open Mind Academy at the UDG
Teaching Python to high school students

OpenMind Academy is open for registration

NCC Montenegro and UDG are organizing a training event for high school students. The following courses will take place:

  • Build your future with technology -3D
  • Analyzing social media trends
  • Python programming
  • Dron photography – dron piloting
  • Future and food

More information and registration form are available at the following link.

OpenMind Academy promo video