EuroCC HPC training event

EuroCC Montenegro is organizing a training event with our partner NCCs from EuroCC project that will take place on 15. December 2021. NCCs from Montenegro, Romania, Cyprus, and Netherlands n NCC will be implementing the training event. We invite you to check the agenda for the event and register in advance if you want to participate.

For the registration to this HPC event, please redirect all the interested participants on your behalf to this registration form, so that we can provide them with credentials for course materials and access to the SURF Supercomputer practice session! Please register no later than December 13th using the following registration link.

Click on image for Agenda

H2020 DEMETER Project at BDVA EBDVF21 Event

DEMETER project is participating at BDVA – Big Data Value Association #EBDVF21 in the session on ‘Data Spaces for a sustainable Data Economy in Agriculture: a multi-stakeholder perspective’.

This session highlights the state of play of #Agricultural #DataSpaces in the EU, investigating challenges, opportunities, expectations and ambitions of some of the key stakeholders involved, encouraging and/or benefiting from their creation.

Speakers include Daniel Azevedo, Mario Barile, Giorgio Canocchi, Kevin Doolin, Doris Marquardt, Stefan Stiene, Marko Turpeinen

The session takes place on Decembet 1st, 3-4:30
Register now at the following link.

H2020 DEMETER project particitpating at BDVA EBDVF21 event

EuroCC Montenegro: Training Events in December

EuroCC NCC Montenegro – National Center of Competence in the field of high performance computing (HPC) at UDG through the EuroCC project continues with activities and organisation of a set of events and programs for all Montenegrin institutions but also individuals interested in learning more about using advanced HPC technology to improve business and competitiveness.  In accordance with the NCC Montenegro Roadmap and planned activities, EuroCC NCC Montenegro will implement two sets of events in December 2021, a training program that includes specialized training for Montenegrin institutions called High Performance Computing and Digitization and a national conference on Industry 4.0 and Cyber Security issues in Montenegro.

EuroCC Montenegro participates in series of training events in December

After the first phase of activities in which the needs, problems and weaknesses of the Montenegrin economy in the possibility of applying HPC for digitalization of business processes were analyzed, a training program in the field of HPC was created for their needs, which will be implemented in December 2021 and 2022. The first specialized training for Montenegrin institutions, called High Performance Computing and Digitization, will be organized online, on December 8th, 2021. in cooperation with a partner institution, ARCTUR, while the second set of programs will be organized during 2022. Within the set of programs, support is also planned for improving the capacity of students to realize business ideas and start startups in the field of HPC.In addition to the mentioned set of trainings, NCC Montenegro will organize a national conference on Industry 4.0 and Cyber Security issues in Montenengro, where reference solutions on the possibility of applying HPC in the process of digitalization of business processes will be presented. The conference will be realized by UDG and in cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. The national conference will be held on December 15th, 2021 and will provide an opportunity to network and establish cooperation with NCC Montenegro – UDG, the national coordinator in all areas related to HPC at the national level with other academic institutions, industry and public administration.

Master program: Artificial Intelligence

At UDG, we have started a new Master program for Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty for information systems and technologies. There is six students enrolled and they have just started with new courses. We are excited to start the first semester with the following courses: History of ideas, Research methodology, Advanced programming, Engineering Mathematics, Digital Transformation, Data Science.

This new Master program for AI implemented in the context of EuroCC project

UDG / EuroCC Montenegro will participate in the IEEE TELFOR 2021 conference

Researchers from the UDG / NCC Monteengro will be presenting the paper titled “Human Activity Detection Using Deep Learning and Bracelet with Bluetooth Transmitter”, authored by S. Cakic, S. Sandi, D. Nedic, S. Krco and T. Popovic, at the upcoming IEEE TELFOR 2021 conference. The conference will be taking place on 23-24 November 2022. The paper presents the use of AI/ML algorithms to implement human activity detection based on data collected from wearable IoT device and the research is done through collaboration with DNET Labs, an innovation technology company from Novi Sad, Serbia. More info on the conference is available at the following link.

ABSTRACT – The use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning is finding its purpose in various fields nowadays. This paper describes a study in which Internet of
Things and deep learning are used to implement human activity detection based on data collected from bracelet equipped with Bluetooth transmitter. The main focus of the study was development of a prediction model using deep learning that would help elderly people and their caretakers. Time series data about elderly people activity was collected from bracelet using a Bluetooth gateway and IoT platform, and later annotated based on the activity logs they kept in a form of diary. A neural network is trained to classify data into two groups (binary classification problem) corresponding to activity of the person wearing the
bracelet. Initial study shows promising results of the presented approach for the use in human activity detection for elderly.

Paper to be presented on November 24th

UDG is a New BDVA i-Spaces Member

EuroCC NCC Montenegro – We are excited to announce that UDG become new BDVA i-spaces member! In the previous period there was 25 applicants, 17 newly granted labels, 7 renewed labels and new 8 countries included.

BDVA/DAIRO grants a label for European Data Innovation Spaces and Hubs to help drive forward Big Data adoption and AI based innovation across all domains within European industry. Every year, existing hubs can obtain a label as a “BDVA/DAIRO i-Space”, after an evaluation process based on a comprehensive criterion catalogue. Read more at the following link.

i-Spaces 2021

Master thesis: Investigation of neural network efficiency in prediction electricity prices in the day-ahead market

Mr. Milutin Pavicevic just defended his Master thesis titled: “Investigation of neural network efficiency in prediction electricity prices in the day-ahead market”. The work focused on the use of artificial intelligence and exploration of various prediction models based on neural networks in order to improve prediction of electricity prices.

Mr. Pavicevic’s Master thesis defense at the Faculty for information systems and technologies, UDG

ABSTRACT – The power of neural networks in approximating continuous functions has led to more widespread use of this type of artificial intelligence in the field of time-series forecasting. This work examines the efficiency oftime-series prediction models when given the dataset of hourly values connected to day-ahead market of electrical energy. It presents the processing and windowing of the data to fit the prediction models, describes the specifics of the day-ahead market of electrical energy and more closely describes the way each of the used neural network models works.
The work looks at created neural network models with dense layers, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (LSTM), and measures their performance. Testing results show their accuracy when predicting based on the dataset of hourly values of day-ahead electricity on the HUPX market, coupled with the hourly weather data, as well as the related dataset of the hourly values of electricity consumption in Montenegro.

Exploring the use of AI and ANNs for prediction of electricity prices in the day-ahead market