Open Mind Academy: Successful Python Course for High-school students

During the summer school of game programming, students had the opportunity to learn the basics of the Python programming language, and later the pyGame game development package within the EuroCC NCC Montenegro.

Python programming for high-school students

In the first part of the training, students learned why programming is so widespread today, what the basic data types are in Python, what are the conditions and loops. Also, students had the opportunity to learn what lists and dictionaries are, but also what object-oriented programming is. Besides listening to lectures, everyone who wanted to follow the second part of the training had to do homework (writing essays and programming). In the second part of the training, intensive lectures were held where the participants heard more about the Python package pyGame. This package is used to develop games in Python. Through the creation of the game, students learned how to program movement in games, detect collisions between objects, add graphics, sound. At the end of this part of the training, 4 teams were formed. The last day of training was organized as a competition between teams. Their task was to make a smaller game. The winning team won the prize to participate in this year’s conference within the EuroCC NCC Montenegro project.

Students spent time in online sessions to prepare and then three full days at the UDG

It was a pleasure for us to work with such a talented group of young people who we expect will achieve great success in the future.

Online sessions were attended by 25 students and 16 of them came for 3-day workshop at the UDG

Digital Transformation in Agriculture: Chamber of Economy of Montenegro

As part of the Erasmus+ VIRAL project, a training was held at the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro in order to promote digital transformation and the application of ICT in agriculture. Representatives from University of Donja Gorica prepared a presentation entitled “Digital transformation in agriculture” as part of the Digital Day, on Friday, July 22, 2022. starting at 1 p.m., in the premises of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. As part of the presentation, an overview of the activities of the VIRAL project was given. The presentation covered foundations of the process of digital transformation and the application of ICT solutions in agriculture. During the presentation and discussions, other project relevant to ICT and digital transformation in agriculture were featured including EuroCC and AIMHiGH projects. This topic is fully in line with Montenegrin Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3 Montenegro), and we concluded that another similar workshop needs to be organized in Fall of 2022.

Workshop organized by UDG and Chamber of Economy in the context of VIRAL project
EuroCC featured in the presentation by UDG during the VIRAL workshop
AIMHiGH, an FF4EuroHPC application experiment

Industry cooperation: “Elektroprivreda” published the interview with Prof. Kezunovic

EuroCC and NCC Montenegro were featured in “Elektroprivreda”, a magazine published by the national power company EPCG. The magazine published the interview with prof. dr Mladen Kezunovic that was done during his visit to UDG and his invited lecture “AI in Energy Sector”. This effort was part of our engagement of the industry to promote AI and HPC applications and EPCG is one of the major stakeholders in energy sector in Montenegro.

Magazine “Elektroprivreda” no. 415, July 2022

BSc Thesis: The use of ML to assess plant health

Ms Almira Suljovic, a student of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, defended her BSc Thesis in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The topic of the thesis work was the use of machine learning to detect diseased plants by processing images of the leaves. The work included creation of a prediction model as well as the integration of the model into a mobile application for the use by farmers. She has done her thesis work under the supervision of prof. Tomo Popovic, PhD, and mr Stevan Cakic, MSc.

BSc Thesis – the use of ML to detect plant disease

ABSTRACT – Early detection and prevention are one of the biggest difficulties in the field of agriculture. Late detection of plant diseases or the use of wrong pesticides often leads to crop damage, reducing food quality. As the leaf is the best indicator of whether a plant is healthy or not, we can construct prediction models using machine learning to identify leaf status in the shortest possible time, thus preventing or reducing losses. This thesis shows how to determine leaf health status using the Detectron2 software library and the faster R-CNN neural network. The model was trained using a dataset with 6407 images. The initial dataset was extended using the RoboFlow tool. Google Colab, an environment for the development of cloud computing and machine learning, was used for testing and implementation. The practical application of the machine learning model was realized using an application developed using the Flutter platform.

EuroCC and NCC Montenegro Featured in an S3 Success Stories Video

EuroCC project and NCC Montenegro were featured in success stories video for Smart Specialisation Strategy for Montenegro (S3). Ministry of science and technological development joined forces with UNDP to create a new website platform to promote and manage activities related to Montengrin S3. UDG is currently implemented several projects that are fully in line with Montenegrin S3 and H2020 EuroCC was featured in the video as one of the flagship projects for Montengrin S3. The priority domains of Montenegrin S3 are agriculture and food production, health and tourism, and energy. Information communication technology is recognized as a horizontal priority that will provide foundation for multidisciplinary research and applications. New website for S3 Montenegro can be accessed through the following link.
S3 Montenegro – University of Donja Gorica
New website platform for S3 Montengro (click on image to open)

Collaboration with NCC Germany

As a follow up to the “speed date” event organized by EuroCC/Castiel projects, NCC Montenegro and NCC Germany organized a meeting to explore opportunities for future collaboration between two NCCs. It was interesting to discuss the differences and better understand the grounds for future collaboration. Both NCCs introduced their teams, progress and results achieved so far. A possibility to include members of German NCC into the training and research support activities in Montenegro were discussed. Concrete proposals were discussed for the Fall training on AI/ML and parallel programming. NCC Montenegro also informed German NCC team about the priorities of Montenegrin S3 Smart Specialisation Strategy that may be a good inspiration for thematic areas for joint collaboration.

.Discussion the collaboration between NCC Germany and NCC Montenegro

Master Thesis: Practical Use of ML in the Fight Against COVID-19

Mr Bogdan Laban, a master student at the University of Donja Gorica, defended his Master thesis titled “Practical Use of Machine Learning in the Fight Against COVID-19”. The thesis was done at the Master academic studies “Information Management in Health Care” at the Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business, under the supervision of his mentor prof. dr Tomo Popovic.

Mr. Bogdan Laban defended his MSc thesis on the use of ML to fight COVID-19
The presentation included interested real-life examples

ABSTRACT – This study aims to find applicable combination of recent AI technologies and its uses during the COVID-19 pandemic. As AI has shown great improvements in the last few years, with many new feature-filled tools out on the market, it is almost certain that AI can help find ways to circumvent the dangers of COVID-19, in the form of noticing it, and preventing it. Authors cited in this work are AI professional, specializing in neural networks and their appliances in real world, in the form of visual processing and understanding, which will provide me with a solid hypothesis to base my master thesis on.

As this pandemic still has a solid grasp on the world, especially on less developed countries like Montenegro, I believe it makes a great testing ground for attributes like – percentage of people abiding pandemic specific laws (social distancing, mask wearing, etc.). Unfortunately, people of Montenegro are very divided on this issue, ranging from avid abiders, to those who completely ignore all safety procedures, even the most basic ones. As such, I believe this study will provide me with an insight into the right tools and tests for the residents of Montenegro, which vary a lot.

Another Master Thesis in Applied Machine Learning