EuroCC Workshop Featured at National News Portals

IT2022 Conference and EuroCC Workshop on HPC and AI were featured in national news portals today. Most notably we got coverage in CDM and AntenaM. For that purpose EuroCC Montenegro prepared a short video covering the conference and workshop activities.

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First Semester of the New AI Master Program

The first semester of the new Master program in Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, is being wrapped up. The program is implemented with the support from EuroCC Montenegro.

The first semester of the new Master programme in AI is being wrapped up

Students worked hard both in theoretical and practical aspects of the curriculum. Some of the students took part in research projects and some have already presented their first papers at scientific-technical conferences. Our graduate students attended the following courses:

  1. History of ideas
  2. Research methodology
  3. Engineering Mathematics
  4. Advanced Programming
  5. Data Science and Big Data
  6. Digital Transformation

Moving on towards new challenges in the next semester!

A Scientific Paper on Parking Occupancy Detection Using Deep Learning

A paper titled “Image-Based Parking Occupancy Detection  Using Deep Learning and Faster R-CNN”, authored by Z. Scekic, S. Cakic, T. Popovic and A. Jakovljevic, was presented at the 26th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The paper was presented by a young researcher Ms Zoja Scekic, Faculty of Applied Sciences, on 17 February 2022 in the paper presentation session at IT2022. The paper discussed the use of machine learning and HPC to develop prediction models that could be embedded into edge AI setting for Smart parking solutions The effort was supported by the EuroCC Monteengro team.

ABSTRACT – Smart city is one area with the growing use of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. The concept of smart cities relies on making quality of life better, and solving important problems, such as global warming, public health, energy and resources. Smart parking management is one of the smart city use cases. This paper describes the use of deep learning algorithms to process images of parking lots and determine their current occupancy. The development of prediction models was done using PKLot dataset with 12417 images, Detectron2 software library, and Faster R-CNN algorithm. The resulting models can be integrated into parking space sensors and used for building smart parking solutions, and thus lead to more efficient use of space in urban areas, reduced traffic congestion, as well as reducing parking surfing to minimum.

The paper presented at the 26th IEEE IT2022 Conference

IEEE IT2022 was a success!

EuroCC Montenegro and UDG took part in the organization of the 26th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The conference was organized in a virtual setting this year. More information about the conference is available here.

EuroCC project was presented by Dr Luka Filipovic in the session dedicated to presentation of project results for the projects implemented in Montenegro and the region. Besides EuroCC itself, in this session Mr Stevan Cakic gave a presentation of AIMHiGH project that is done in the context of H2020 FF4EuroHPC experiments and EuroCC/UDG is a partner. This session took place on 16 February 2022.

Successful wrap up of the 26th IEEE IT conference IT2022

Also, the 2nd EuroCC Workshop on High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence. We had presenters from Slovenia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Netherlands , Serbia, and Montenegro. This event was organized in a hybrid setting where we had around 10-15 attendees at the UDG (EuroCC Montenegro), and over 40 attendees via Zoom. The workshop was split into 4 afternoon sessions spread over two days on 17-18 February. The workshop was attended by the representatives of Montenegrin academia and students (UDG, UCG), industry, and partners More details on the workshop will follow soon. The program agenda is available here.

Hybrid setting of the EuroCC Workshop during IEEE 2022

In four sessions dedicated to paper presentations, there was over 30 papers presented, several of which were related to AI and machine learning. Ms Zoja Scekic, a young researcher and student from UDG, presented a paper on the use of AI/ML for computer vision applications in Smart Parking.

Paper on the use of AI/ML for Parking Occupancy Detection

EuroCC Project Presented at IEEE IT2022

Researchers from EuroCC Montenegro presented EuroCC project at the 26th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The conference is traditionally taking place in Žabljak, Montenegro, but this year the event was organized in a virtual setting. Dr Luka Filipovic gave a presentation on EuroCC project goals and main results of the EuroCC Montenegro. More information about the conference is available at the following link.

There was around 25 attendees in the session dedicated to project results presentations
EuroCC Montenegro will be hosting a workshop on HPC/HPDA/AI on 17-18 Feb 2022.

Master Thesis: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Ms Jelena Tijanic, a master student at the University of Donja Gorica just defended her Master thesis titled “Ethics and Artificial Intelligence”. The thesis was done at the Master academic studies “Statistics” (EMOS) under supervision of her mentor prof. dr Milica Vukotic.

ABSTRACT – Artificial intelligence is ubiquitous and enables many of our daily routines – booking flights, driving without a driver, supports decision-making in governments and the private sector. Artificial intelligence technology delivers outstanding results in highly specialized areas such as cancer screening and building an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. They also help combat global problems such as climate change and world hunger, and help reduce poverty by optimizing economic aid. But technology also brings unprecedented new challenges. We see increased gender and ethnic bias, significant threats to privacy, dignity, dangers of mass surveillance, and increased use of unreliable law enforcement technologies.

The first part of the thesis presents the basic problems that the world is facing and why the development of artificial intelligence is a potential threat to the future of mankind. A new recommendation adopted by UNESCO member countries was presented. The second part of the thesis describes the basic concepts related to recommendation systems, the way they work, as well as their division. Here are some examples of where systems are used. Ethical problems that can be encountered during their development are described.Finally, a practical example of a movie recommendation system is described. The process of making the systems was described and the result analyzed.

Master Thesis: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence – Ms Jelena Tijanic

IEEE IT2022 Conference Program is Available

The organizers of the IEEE IT2022 conference are pleased to inform you that the Program of the 26th IT Conference and the schedule of sections is posted on the site within the links “Conference program” and “Sections schedule”. University of Donja Gorica and EuroCC Montenegro took active role in the organization of this years IT2022. Please check the links for paper presentation sessions as well as EuroCC workshop on HPC/HPDA/AI. More information about the conference is available here.

Click on slide to open the conference website

You can download the program of the XXVI International Scientific-Professional Conference IT`22 at this link.

EuroCC Montenegro is organizing 2nd High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Workshop on 17-18. February within the IEEE IT2022 conference. The agenda for the training is available here.

Please click on the image below to register for the EuroCC Montenegro workshop.

Click on image to register for EuroCC Montenegro Workshop