FF4EuroHPC Two-Day Project Review

On 16-17 March, FF4EuroHPC partners have started with a two-day project review. Dr Bastian Koller, managing director at HLRS – High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart and project coordinator started the public presentation of the FF4EuroHPC project insights. He also gave a glimpse into the Experiments supported by FF4EuroHPC and provided the outlooks for the future. But most of all, he presented clearly how this project supports European SMEs and encourages their competitiveness and highlighted the added value project brings to the European HPC landscape (source: FF4EuroHPC).

Project AIMHiGH was presented in the session dedicated to FF4EuroHPC experiments

In the photo below, you can see the outstanding results our consortia gained – red-colored countries are participating in the FF4EuroHPC Experiments. Learn more about the Experiments at the foll.owing link.

(image source: FF4EuroHpC project)

Fostering Sustainable Agriculture Through High performance Computing – Workshop Announcement

The Romanian National Competence Center in HPC – RoNCC together with the National Competence Centre in Montenegro are pleased to invite you to the workshop “Fostering sustainable agriculture through High performance Computing”, organized on March 16, at 11:00, in online format. The aim of the event is to disseminate to users the benefits of using HPC (High Performance Computing), HPDA (High Performance Data Analysis) and AI technologies in agriculture and to present the multiple development possibilities by adopting HPC in innovation activities and projects, by sharing uses. houses and good practices. The webinar is aimed at existing or potential users of HPC, HPDA and AI in the private sector (SMEs, start-ups) as well as in the public sector (universities, public administration, research institutions, etc.), whose projects and activities fall in the field of AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Please check Romanian NCC website at: https://roncc.ro/

NCC Montenegro representatives will be giving presentation on the use of HPC and AI in agriculture, namely we will be discussing the projects currently implemented by UDG and partner organizations. Agenda for the event is available at the following link.

To receive the login details, please fill in the following registration form: https://form.jotform.com/220201831822038

Collaboration between Romainan NCC and NCC Montengro

Young Researchers to Participate in the Upcoming IEEE INFOTEH 2022 Conference

Young researchers, Ms Almira Suljovic and Mr Ivan Jovovic, from UDG will be presenting their papers at the upcoming IEEE INFOTEH 2022 Conference. This is the 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA. The first paper will be discussing the use of machine learning to detect disease in leafs with potential application in smart agriculture. The other paper will be discussing the use of machine learning to detect face masks and the use of prediction models on edge AI devices. The papers to be presented are scheduled for 18 March 2022 and both papers discuss the use of AI and machine learning. More about the conference can be found at the following link.

NCC Montenegro provided support to these researchers and they plan to continue the experimentation in these fields using HPC resources. The list of accepted papers and the conference program are available here.

Click on image to visit INFOTEH 2022 website

Successful Round Table: HPC/AI and Montenegrin S3

We have implemented a very successful round table event with panel discussions on HPC/AI and its relation to priorities identified in Montenegrin S3, namely agriculture and food production, health and tourism, and energy. We had panelists from Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro. The event is organized by EuroCC NCC Monteengro in collaboration with NCC Slovenia. The agenda is available by clicking the following link.

Round Table on HPC/AI and Montenegrin S3

The event took place at the UDG, in a full amphitheater AS on Saturday, 26.02.2022. The panelists gave interesting presentations, considerations, presented project results, and there was a very interesting discussion and Q&A session at the end. The event was attended by students, professors, and industry representatives. The event was advertised locally and nationally via national news portals.

Round Table: HPC/AI and Montenegrin S3
Panelist gave talks, presented project results, and participated in Q&A
Finally, face 2 face events, amphitheater AS

Psychology in the Future Development of AI

On Friday, February 25th, at 4 pm, via Zoom platform, the Axon Association of Applied Psychology Students in cooperation with UDG held the first of three multidisciplinary lectures in the summer semester as part of a series called ‘’The Era of Artificial Intelligence’’.

USSP “AXON”: The Role of Psychology in the Future Development of AI

Professor Dr. Danko Nikolic, from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Frankfurt, gave a lecture on “The Role of Psychology in the Future Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies”.

Professor Nikolic is an expert in brain research and artificial intelligence. He spent many years leading the electrophysiology laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. He is also involved in the development of commercial solutions from artificial intelligence, where he leads the Data Science group as part of his responsibilities. He studied psychology and civil engineering in Zagreb. He defended his doctorate on the topic of cognitive sciences, at the University of Oklahoma, USA.

Round Table Event Promoted on National News Portals

EuroCC Montenegro and UDG are organizing a Round Table event titled “Driving the future with HPC and AI innovations in Smart Specialization Areas in Montenegro”. The event was promoted and announced on national news portals, i.e. CDM and AntenaM. See you on Saturday!

Click to open
Click to open

Round Table: Driving the Future with HPC/AI Innovation in Montenegrin S3

University of Donja Gorica (UDG) will organize a round table which will be held on Saturday 26.02.2022. at 10:00 at the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) in amphitheater AS. The round table will be organized on the topic of Driving the future with HPC and AI innovations in Smart Specialization Areas in Montenegro in the framework of the project“EuroCC – National Competence Centre in the area of high-performance computing (HPC)” which aims to establish a network of national centres of competence for high-performance computing in 33 member states of the Joint Undertaking for European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC JU) within Horizont2020 programme.

Click on image to open Agenda

The aim of the round table is to awake interest in this area among participants, companies and students who are interested in learning more, and especially to inform them about the possibilities of using and applying advanced HPC (High Performance Computing) technologies and AI in various fields such as agriculture, tourism and medicine.

The round table will be opened by Rector of UDG, prof. dr Veselin Vukotic, while prominent experts in this field, as well as students of doctoral and postgraduate master’s studies, will have their presentations on this topic. The round table will be held on Saturday, 26.02.2022. starting at 10:00 at the University of Donja Gorica, amphitheater AS and detailed information can be found in the Agenda attached (link).

Saturday, 26.02.2022. at UDG