Collaborative initiatives between NCC Romania and Montenegro

Representatives of NCC Romania and NCC Montenegro organized an initial meeting to discuss future collaboration activities based on mutual interest in improving HPC NCCs’ best practices, training capacities, and industry/public outreach.

The initially discussed plans include the organization of joint training courses for academia professors and students to exchange and enhance HPC/AI study programs, the preparation of a joint training event for industry representatives covering HPC+ industry and commercial benefits and technical upskilling, as well as the facilitation of twinning activities to strengthen NCCs’ expertise and capacities in facing EuroCC2 project activities and challenges.

Both NCCs demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment to foster fruitful cooperation and knowledge/experience sharing in the field of HPC/HPDA/AI technologies related to academic excellence and industry digitalization.

NCC Montenegro participated at “Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting”

Representatives of NCC Montenegro participated (online) in the “Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting” organized within the scope of ASHPC23 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 (June 13–15, 2023) at the Institute of Information Science in Maribor (IZUM), to actively discuss, exchange experiences and follow up-to-date EuroCC2 and NCCs’ initiatives. Agenda of the NCCs’ meeting covered topics:

  • NCCs industry’ approach (SMEs engagement, service portfolio, infrastructure access, expected outcomes etc.),
  • EuroCC2 training activities (training formats, joint training events, regional collaboration, collaboration with CoEs and EDIHs, targeting SME audience etc.)
  • NCCs communication and disseminations tools (networking events organization, effective communication channels, choosing subjects & speakers, attracting industry stakeholders etc.)

NCC Austria presented their SMEs/Start-ups boosting initiative “EuroCC Supercomputing accelerator” and training initiative on webinar series assuming NCCs and CoEs shared contribution and collaboration. NCC Slovenia presented “SLING Open Doors Days”, their success story on successfully organized community and networking event.

IT2023 and EuroCC2 featured in IEEE Region 8 News

Thanks to EuroCC2 team from Montenegro, EuroCC and 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference – Information technology IT2023 were featured in the June issue of IEEE Region 8 News magazine (Vol 4 No 2). You can access the full issue at the following link. The News bulletin is published quartterly and distributed to over 80000 IEEE members in Region 8.

EuroCC2 and IT2023 featured in IEEE Reggion8 News

EuroCC2 Twinning opportunities with NCC Cyprus

Representatives from the NCCs of Montenegro and Cyprus (CaSToRC), held an initial meeting on June 6, 2023, with the primary purpose to explore potential cooperation, knowledge sharing opportunities and best practice exchange through effective peer’s cooperation and Twinning activities.

During the meeting, the NCCs’ teams expressed mutual interest in exchanging experiences and learning opportunities, particularly in the areas of productive industrial cooperation and HPC/AI related training activities. Additionally, they discussed the exchange of operational practices and proven initiatives related to NCC management, cooperation and communication activities.

The next steps involve organizing administrative, logistic and operational support to facilitate team visits and work program with shared topics’ interest. By leveraging NCCs’ respective expertise and synergizing their efforts, both NCCs aim to strengthen their capacities and effectively address HPC+ needs/potential in their national ecosystems.

Lecture by Professor Onur Mutlu, a world-renowned scientist

The Centre of Excellence – FoodHub and the Montenegrin National Center of Competence in the Field of High-Performance Computing – EuroCC have the opportunity to host this panel. The lecture will be held in Entrepreneurial Nest (Preduzetničko gnijezdo), on June 8, starting at 4 p.m.

Onur Mutlu is a professor of computer science in information technology and electrical engineering in Zurich, Switzerland, and at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his PhD and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and his BS in Computer Engineering and Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

His research is related to computer architecture, systems, security and bioinformatics. The work spans and spans the boundaries between applications, systems, languages, system software, compilers, and hardware and addresses many issues of high performance, energy efficiency, hardware security, fault tolerance, predictable systems, reliable systems, and hardware-software cooperation.

prof. dr Onur Mutlu from ETH Zurich is hosted by FoodHub/CoE and NCC Montenegro

EuroCC presentation to FoodDecide partners

Representatives from the NCC Montenegro presented project and their activities to FoodDecide project partners from Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Kühne Logistics University (KLU) and FoodHub CoE. After successful presentation, they discussed on topics for potential collaboration, especially large language models and other AI algorithms.

Open call for grants by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development

An information session and workshop was held at the University of Donja Gorica on May 26 starting to promote and clarify the conditions of the Competition for the co-financing of national scientific research projects by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development.

Open call promotion hosted by UDG

On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Ms. Milena Milonjić, Acting Director General of the Directorate for Scientific Research, Ms. Jelena Šaranović and Ms. Zorana Lakićević-Milutinović addressed the audience and presented the Competition – open call rules and criteria for co-financing national scientific research projects for 2023.
About 40 researchers, professors and associates of the University of Donja Gorica attended the informative and interactive session.

A grat opportunity for HPC and AI researchers to apply for this open call

The main goal of this open call is to strengthen the capacity of research teams in Montenegro, in order to encourage excellence, thereby contributing to the development of a society based on knowledge and competitiveness at the international level.