“Deep Learning and HPC” training successfully completed

The University of Donja Gorica (UDG), EuroCC Montenegro (national competence center for supercomputers) in cooperation with the National Center of Spain (NCC Spain) organized the course “Deep Learning and HPC”. Guest lecturers from renowned institutions such as Petar Veličković from the University of Cambridge and DeepMind (Introduction to Graph Neural Network), Borja Pavon from Universidad de Cantabria and Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (High-Performance Computing systems), Sergio Perez from Graphcore and Imperial College London (Making new AI breakthroughs with Graphcore IPU), Itana Bulatović from AI Clearing and Shanghai Jiao Tong University China (Deep Learning for Computer Vision), Andreea Deac from  Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Deep Reinforcement Learning), Aleksa Šuković from Max Planck Institute (Advanced NLP), Nikola Bulatović from University of Montenegro and Uhura (Introduction to NLP),  were involved in the implementation of the training. These classes are organized online for all interested participants.

During this training, we had 30 to 35 active participants from the start to the end of the course. The first and last classes were organized by teachers from UDG and NCC Montenegro (Stevan Čakić and Stevan Šandi) in person for students from UDG (Introduction to Deep Learning, Deep Learning for HPC, Deep Learning with Business and Ethics in AI). The course was mandatory for students of the master’s program Artificial Intelligence as an integral part of the course Deep Learning.

HPC systems
Making new AI breakthroughs with Graphcore IPU
Deep Learning and Computer Vision
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to NLP

Advanced NLP

World-renowned professors and researchers gathered around “Deep Learning and HPC” training

University of Donja Gorica, EuroCC Montenegro (national competence center for supercomputers) and in cooperation with the National Center of Spain (NCC Spain) organize the course “Deep Learning and HPC”. Guest lecturers from renowned institutions such as the University of Cambridge, Universidad de Cantabria and Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, GraphCoreAI and Imperial College London, AI Clearing and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, DeepMind, Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, Max Planck Institute will be involved in the implementation of the training.

During this course students will learn how to implement deep learning models for real situations on their local machines, key mathematical concepts of deep learning, some key concepts about computer vision and natural language processing.

In the second part of the training, students will learn about high-performance computing in the development of deep learning applications, parallel computing using the Python language on multiple CPUs or GPUs, and the pyTorch library for developing deep learning models. The course starts with guest lectures at the end of November so you need to express your interest as soon as possible. The course is followed by students of the Master AI program at UDG, but also by students of other programs who express an interest in it. Lectures are open to academia, industry and the public sector.

Recommended prerequisites for successfully attending lectures are: good knowledge of algorithms and mathematics, knowledge of at least one programming language (Python is preferred), basic knowledge of high-performance computing (HPC), basic knowledge and interest in artificial intelligence, knowledge of the English language.

Media about us:



Deep learning and HPC training event featured in the local media

Deep learning and HPC training organized by NCC Montenegro and UDG is featured in the national news portal CDM. The presentations and guest talks will be accessible to students and academia, industry, and general public. There is a very interesting line up of lecturers coming from reputable institutions from the region and abroad. More information about the training is available here. Click on the image below to open the post at the CDM news portal.

Course on Deep Learning and HPC

University of Donja Gorica, NCC Montenegro and NCC Spain are organizing course “Deep Learning and HPC”. During this course, students will learn how to implement deep learning models for real applications on local machines, key mathematical concepts of deep learning, some key concepts about computer vision and natural language processing. n the second part of training, students will be familiarized to high-performance computing in deep learning application development, parallel computing with Python on multiple CPUs or GPUs, pyTorch library for developing deep learning models.

A fantastic lineup of guest lecturers

The talks from visiting lecturers start on 30 November, so it is needed to express your interest as soon as possible. Course is open to academia, industry and public sector. Link for online registration is available here.

Click on image to register

Recommended requirements and background:

  • Good knowledge of algorithms and math
  • Good knowledge of at least one programming language (Python is preferred)
  • Some basic theoretical knowledge of high-performance computing (HPC)
  • Some basic theoretical knowledge of artificial intelligence
  • Good knowledge of English

The Agenda is now available at the following link.

Click on image to open the Agenda

Castiel WP2 Workshop on “Human engagement”

One of our Euro CC members, dr Armin Alibasic got an invitation to speak at the workshop Human Engagement in HPC. Dr Alibasic presented our success stories on how to engage younger students, including high schools, on HPC. Regarding this topic, one of our biggest achievements is creating an Open Mind academy where so far we had over 200 high school students participating in our training on courses such as ​Analyzing Social Media Trends, Python Video Game Programming, HPC/AI and Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, Hugging Face, and others.

Introducing NCC Montenegro
Discussing the Master program in AI

In addition, he talked about several lectures held at UDG where we invited young researches which gave a very interesting talks on AI/ML and their practical applications. Finally, dr Alibasic concluded by mentioning several conferences organized withing Montenegro, but as well the international events.

Discussing engagement of young people

Parallel computing course featured in the local media

Parallel computing course organized by NCC Montenegro and UDG was featured in the local media portals. The course lasts 6 weeks and it was open for students and academia, industry and public sector. There is around 50 trainees enrolled, among them the students of the Master’s program Artificial Intelligence from the Faculty of Information Systems.

Click on image to open (CDM portal)

Great Interest in the Parallel Programming Course

The Parallel Programming course has begun at the University of Donja Gorica, with more than 50 registered participants, organized as part of EuroCC project activities focused on the development of HPC and parallel programming skills and competencies.

Ms Sanja NIkolic presenting the NCC Montenegro activities

In front of National Competence Center for High Performance Computing (HPC NCC), mr Sanja Nikolić introduced the course participants to supercomputer systems and applications, especially from the aspect of their commercial application and digital transformation of business models towards innovative processes and products to improve industrial competitiveness. She also presented the EuroHPC Joint Undertakingthe , whith budget of € 7 bn for the improvement of the HPC ecosystem in Europe through the Digital Europe and Horizon Europe programs, and through projects such as EURO CC, which focus is on the development of National Competence Centers in the field of high-performance computing, as reference point for coordination of all national HPC activities and access to Eurpean supercomputing resources. The activities of NCC Montenegro were also presented, focusing on HPC/HPDA/AI research and development, competence mapping, education and trainings, as well as on examples of successful cooperation with representatives of industry, academia and public sector resulted in HPC-advanced business practices.

Dr Luka Filipović givin an introduction to the course

Assistant professor dr Luka Filipović instructed attendees in the technical aspects and configuration of the HPC systems, parallel and distributed computer systems and presented in detail the plan of the theoretical and practical part of the parallel programming course intended for high-performance computing. Within the course program, lasting  6 weeks, the concepts of parallel computers, their purpose, architecture, division, guidelines for the development of parallel programs, as well as the analysis of the performance of parallel programs will be duly explained. In the practical part, the development of parallel programs based on the architecture of shared and distributed memory and based on the hybrid model will be demonstrated by respective examples. The lectures will be held in cooperation with colleagues from the HPC National Competence Center of Germany.

Course offered in context of EuroCC project

The Parallel Programming course is attended by representatives of the industrial sector and interested students of regular, master and doctoral studies of all universities, who will receive a corresponding certificate upon successful completion. Students of the Master’s program Artificial Intelligence from the Faculty of Information Systems, UDG will present their seminar papers at the end of the course.

Around 50 trainees from academia and industry enrolled