IEEE COINS 2022: HPC and Deep Learning for Computer Vision in Smart Farms

Researchers from EuroCC Montenegro presented two papers at the IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS). IEEE COINS (link) is the right place to be. IEEE COINS brings together experts in Digital Transformation (from AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and Robotics) from around the globe. IEEE COINS includes a multi-disciplinary program from technical research papers, to panels, workshops, and tutorials on the latest technology developments and innovations addressing all important aspects of the IoT & AI ecosystem. The conference took place 1-3 August in Barcelona.

This paper was a result of the collaboration on FF4EuroHPC application experiment project called AIMHiGH that focuses on computer vision and the use of HPC to develop object detection prediction models for the use in smart agriculture, more specifically in the poultry sector. The title of the paper is “Developing Object Detection Models for Camera Applications in Smart Poultry Farms”.

ABSTRACT – This paper proposes the use of high-performance computing and deep learning to create prediction models that can be deployed as a part of smart agriculture solutions in the poultry sector. The idea is to create object detection models that can be ported onto edge devices equipped with camera sensors for the use in Internet of Things systems for poultry farms. The object detection prediction models could be used to create smart camera sensors that could evolve into sensors for counting chickens or detecting dead ones. Such camera sensor kits could become a part of digital poultry farm management systems in shortly. The paper discusses the approach to the development and selection of machine learning and computational tools needed for this process. Initial results, based on the use of Faster R-CNN network and high-performance computing are presented together with the metrics used in the evaluation process. The achieved accuracy is satisfactory and allows for easy counting of chickens. More experimentation is needed with network model selection and training configurations to increase the accuracy and make the prediction useful for developing a dead chicken detector. (link)

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Mr. Stevan Cakic in Barcelona

Digital Transformation in Agriculture: Chamber of Economy of Montenegro

As part of the Erasmus+ VIRAL project, a training was held at the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro in order to promote digital transformation and the application of ICT in agriculture. Representatives from University of Donja Gorica prepared a presentation entitled “Digital transformation in agriculture” as part of the Digital Day, on Friday, July 22, 2022. starting at 1 p.m., in the premises of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. As part of the presentation, an overview of the activities of the VIRAL project was given. The presentation covered foundations of the process of digital transformation and the application of ICT solutions in agriculture. During the presentation and discussions, other project relevant to ICT and digital transformation in agriculture were featured including EuroCC and AIMHiGH projects. This topic is fully in line with Montenegrin Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3 Montenegro), and we concluded that another similar workshop needs to be organized in Fall of 2022.

Workshop organized by UDG and Chamber of Economy in the context of VIRAL project
EuroCC featured in the presentation by UDG during the VIRAL workshop
AIMHiGH, an FF4EuroHPC application experiment

EuroCC and NCC Montenegro Featured in an S3 Success Stories Video

EuroCC project and NCC Montenegro were featured in success stories video for Smart Specialisation Strategy for Montenegro (S3). Ministry of science and technological development joined forces with UNDP to create a new website platform to promote and manage activities related to Montengrin S3. UDG is currently implemented several projects that are fully in line with Montenegrin S3 and H2020 EuroCC was featured in the video as one of the flagship projects for Montengrin S3. The priority domains of Montenegrin S3 are agriculture and food production, health and tourism, and energy. Information communication technology is recognized as a horizontal priority that will provide foundation for multidisciplinary research and applications. New website for S3 Montenegro can be accessed through the following link.
S3 Montenegro – University of Donja Gorica
New website platform for S3 Montengro (click on image to open)

IT 2022 Special Event: Panel Discussion on HPC/AI and Applications

NGO “IT Društvo” and HPC NCC Montenegro, with support from University of Montenegro and University of Donja Gorica, organized a special session – panel “HPC/AI applications – opportunities, challenges and perspectives” as part of the XXVI scientific-professional conference Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The event took place on June 4, 2022 in the canyon of the river Tara, municipality of Žabljak, Montenegro. This panel discussion was focused on the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of the application of Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Computing in our country, the region, and around the world.

IEEE IT2022 follow up event: Special Session on HPC/AI and Applications

Representatives from University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University of Montenegro, and University of Donja Gorica took part in these discussions. There was around 35 participants including he representatives of industry from IT, medical, and agricultural sector. The socializing and networking took place in the beautiful ambient of the river Tara. This is another one in the list of events engaging the key partners and industry representatives in Montenegro and the region. More info on the IEEE IT2022 conference is available on the following link.

The event was opened by prof. dr Bozo Krstajic (University of Montenegro) and dr Sandra Tinaj (NCC Montenegro). The event included a lively Q&A session with presentations of projects (FASTER, EUROCC, AIMHIGH). The final list of panelists:

  • prof. dr Srdjan Krco (DunavNET, Serbia),
  • prof. dr Almir Badnjevic (VERLAB, Bosnia),
  • prof. dr Sanja Vujnović (University of Belgrade, Serbia),
  • prof. dr Slobodan Djukanovic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro),
  • prof. dr Tomo Popovic (University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro) as moderator.
Arriving to the venue
Panel discussions regarding opportunities, challenges and perspectives of HPC/AI and applications
Prof. Božo Krstajić opening speech, panelists were from Montenegro, Bosnia, and Serbia
HPC NCC Montenegro team presented the purpose and activities of the EUROCC project
The event included a lively Q&A session with presentations of projects

HPC/AI Applications – Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives

NGO “IT Društvo”, in cooperation with HPC NCC Montenegro, organizes a special session – panel “HPC / AI applications – opportunities, challenges and perspectives” as part of the XXVI scientific-professional conference Information Technology, IEEE IT2022, to be held on June 4, 2022 in the village of Tepca in the canyon of the river Tara, municipality of Žabljak, Montenegro. This panel aims to comprehensively and multidisciplinary review the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of the application of Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Computing in our country and in the world. The panel will be organized in the beautiful ambiance of the Tara river canyon with competent participants, representatives of scientific and educational institutions from the country and the region, agencies and companies. The agenda is available at this link.

IT2022 follow up event: special panel on HPC/AI applications

EuroCC featured in the Round Table on Machine Learning Organized by Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts

EuroCC and AIMHiGH/FF4EuroHPC projects were featured in presentations during the round table “Deep Machine Learning”. This event was organized by the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. The event took place on March 21, 2022. at the Rectorate building at the University of Montenegro. The participant discussed artificial intelligence and deep learning use cases and practical perspectives. Researchers from AIMHiGH project gave presentation on development of IoT Edge Computer Vision Sensors for smart farms supported by HPC and AI.

HPC and AI for Development of IoT Computer Vision Sensors for Smart Farms
EuroCC NCC Montengro was featured in the presentation
AIMHiGH project results were presented in the presentation