Joint workshop with AmCham

Within the scope of focused communication and productive industry interactions, NCC Montenegro is organizing joint workshop with business association AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) on 17.11.2023. Industry workshop will provide Montenegrin companies with:

  • Brief introduction to HPC systems, technologies, applications and benefits,
  • Presentation on HPC success stories and best practices from various industries,
  • Demonstration of the HPC4SME tool to evaluate companies’ HPC readiness
  • Presentation of HPC activities of NCC Montenegro,
  • Networking opportunities and follow-up consultations with HPC experts

We believe that this workshop will increase awareness on HPC&AI opportunities, provide valuable insights and inspirational use cases to the members and partners of AmCham Montenegro, enabling them to stay updated with the latest technologies and industry trends, and to discover supercomputing power to enhance their business and competitiveness.

The Agenda of upcoming event :

HPC opportunities for financial industry services

Representative of NCC Montenegro, Sanja Nikolic participated in the Round Table “Montenegrin Finance and Internationalization”, organized by Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art. On this event, topics related to the international competitiveness, financial opportunities and fast-paced digitalization with HPC&AI, were lively discussed with representatives of academia, banking sector, investment & trading institutions.
Mrs. Nikolic presented technical and commercial aspects of HPC systems and emphasized HPC/AI powered use cases in the financial services industry. EuroCC/EuroCC2 supercomputing opportunities and NCC Montenegro activities related to HPC/AI study programs, trainings and industry success stories were also elaborated.

Event in media :

Quantum computing lecture

NCC Montenegro is organizing online introductory lecture about quantum computing and its applications.

Quantum computing is a cutting-edge field of computer science that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations at speeds far beyond what classical computers can achieve. Instead of using classical bits, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to superposition. This enables them to solve certain problems, such as factoring large numbers or simulating quantum systems, much faster than traditional computers. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize fields like AI/ML applications, cryptography, bioinformatics, digital manufacturing, optimization of traffic systems…

We are privileged to have Dr. Jaka Vodeb as our speaker. Dr. Vodeb is a postdoctoral researcher at the Jozef Stefan Institute and Fz Juelich (NCC Germany). His extensive expertise in quantum computing and quantum simulator ensures inspirational lectures.

Dr. Vodeb will give an overview of the quantum computing landscape, existing quantum hardware, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction and the quantum internet.

Date: 20.10.2023.
Time: 12:00 PM
Duration: Half Day lectures

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the future of computing.
We look forward to your participation!

For any additional information, inquiries, or updates, please reach us on

Presentation on HPC and EUROCC during Science and Innovations Days@UDG

NCC Montenegro representative Ms Sanja Nikolic gave a presentation for to the undergraduate students of Facullty for Information Systems and Technogies, within the scope of Science and Innovation Days@UDG. The presentation covered the following topics:

  • HPC/HPDA/AI technological aspects, commercial aplications and industry benfits,
  • MNE market reserach results on Cloud HPC awearness and utilisation,
  • EuroCC2 project, Euro HPC supercomputing opportunities and MNE NCC activities and results,
  • HPC/AI Succes Stories in the areas of smart solutions for poultry farms, precise weather forecast in challenging topography of Montenegro and short-term predictive pricing posibilities in energy markets.
Presentation to the students of the final BSc year at FIST

EuroCC powered Master program in Artifitial Intelligence and HPC related training courses were also presented, in the scope of their potential enrollment and competences development. Following the interactive discussion, students also demonstrated the interest in understanding access to supercomputing resources and performances, and challanges related to industry interraction and HPC/AI uptake by SMEs.

Students expressed their interest in AI master program and HPC technology

Meeting with colleagues from FON UoB

Researchers from University of Donja Gorica (UDG) and NCC Montenegro visited partners from Faculty of organizational sciences University of Belgrade (FON UoB) during their summer school at Perast. Colleagues from FON presented their exhibition of AI generated images titled “Imagine Boka” and their activities about startups and marketing.

We presented the most interesting activities on UDG along with activities on NCC Montenegro and the EuroCC project. We spoke about possibilities of future collaboration on educational programs, training courses, digital transformation topics, AI and similar subjects.

Twinning activities: NCC Romania and Montenegro

Representatives from NCC Montenegro and NCC Romania organized a productive one-day online workshop aimed at sharing knowledge and complementary experiences related to academic collaboration, training activities, industry interaction processes, communication tools and success stories/use cases. The agenda for the meeting is available at this link.

During the workshop, participants contributed with valuable insights and engaged in constructive discussions around common challenges including: training portfolio development, open source code repositories, cross-NCCs Open Call for innovative SMEs, technical expertise /HPC infrastructure access, methodologies for competence mapping, needs assessment end-user engagement, service offerings, communication channels exploitation etc.

A dedicated session was also conducted, with a focus on HPC/HPDA/AI success stories and use cases, primarily in smart agriculture, precise meteorology, and medical AI/ML based applications. This session generated discussions on benefits provided by AI/ML models and underlying HPC technologies, including increased productivity, enhanced model performance, improved accuracy and time-saving solutions.

The collaboration between both teams proved successful start, setting a solid foundation for future joint activities. Initial timing and resource planning were discussed for upcoming joint training sessions tailored for academia, researchers and students, as well as an opportunity for co-organized workshops designed for industry managers.