Fortissimo FF4EuroHPC Experiment Workshop

HPC NCC Moontenegro is attending a two day workshop on experiments done in context of FF4EuroHPC project demonstrating the use of HPC, HPDA and AI for solving real-life problems using HPC technology (July 6-7, 2021). Over 50 participants attending and discussing the benefits and opportunities HPC, HPDA and AI offer. The experiments are focused on business aspect of applications and demonstration on how HPC, DA and AI can help crete new vaule to SMEs. NCC Montenegro is participating in one of the FF4EuroHPC experiments targeting the use of HPC and AI in creation of a HPC supported computer vision sensors for the poultry sector.

Over 50 people attending during the first day of the workshop

Info Day: EuroCC project – National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC

On July 2nd 2021 at the University of Donja Gorica an Info day was held within the EuroCC project – National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC.

The aim of the project is to raise the level of knowledge and expertise in the field of HPC technologies (high performance computing), review the existing and potential application of HPC technologies in the field of small and medium enterprises, and establish the HPC National Center of Excellence for Montenegro that will provide technical expertise and access to supercomputers through cloud infrastructure.

Info Day at UDG/NCC Montenegro was attended by 50 participants from industry

The Info day was attended by around 50 participants, representatives of academic institutions from three universities, research institutions and various companies in Montenegro. The aim of the Info Day was to present the activities and work of NCC Montenegro as well as the presentation and implementation of the first HPC4SME Assessment Tool and discussions about the possibilities for future cooperation.

In addition to the above mentioned, Mr. Tomi Ilijaš presented the possibilities of FF4EuroHPC Open Call 2.

Pleae click on image to play video.

HPC Info Day for Companies

HPC NCC Montenegro is organizing an Info Day for companies in Montenegro. The event will take place at the University of Donja Gorica (amphitheater AS) on July 2, 2021. The main goal of the event is to inform the industry community about the EuroCC project and the activities of HPC NCC Montenegro. NCC will provide a short introduction on HPC and its applications. Also, we invited representatives from FF4EuroHPC project to promote the Open Call #2 for SMEs during this event. Finally, we will inform the companies about the HPC assessment tool and invite them to participate in the survey. The agenda is provided below:

Click on image to open a PDF version of the agenda.

2nd EuroCC and Castiel Joint Conference

On 22nd of June the second Joint Conference between Castiel ( and EuroCC ( projects under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020) started and lasted until June 24th. Four representatives from HPC NCC Montenegro participated in the conference and presented highlights and current status of NCC Montenegro. During the conference the details about the collaboration and the current status of the two projects as well as highlights of all 33 national EuroCC competence centers were presented. The presentation of HPC NCC Montenegro current status and implemented activities were held by Sandra Tinaj PhD, Project Management member of the HPC NCC Montenegro team.

2nd EuroCC and Castiel Join Conference

At the conference, during first day it was yet again strongly emphasized the importance of collaboration between the EuroCC partner countries within the development of AI, HPDA and HPC technologies in the EU within CASTIEL WP2 Competence Mapping and Networking and CASTIEL Training, Twinning, Mentoring (WP3). To boost the competitiveness of European industry and public sector the knowledge-transfer between academia and industry/public sector should be one of the primary goals of EuroCC national competence centers. This should be done through training and experience exchange. During conference, the EuroHPC JU representative presented update on EuroHPC.

During the second day CASTIEL Industrial Interaction and Business Development (WP4) as well CASTIEL Awareness Creation, the EuroCC Access and Outreach (WP5) main activities were presented. Also, during second day FF4EuroHPC Open Call 2 were presented and discussed.

2nd EuroCC and Castiel Join Conference

The last but definitely not the least, EuroCC Project Management Team announced and discussed with other NCCs first year review of EuroCC and CASTIEL by the Project Officer which will be held on 12th to 14th of October. Conference will start with an open session, which shall present highlights and achievements of both projects. On the first and beginning of the second day, CASTIEL WPs will present their activities and then will continue with two parallel tracks where each NCC will present itself.

EuroCC project presentation at UDG

The Euro CC project was presented to the research and scientific community within the UDG. During the presentations, senior and junior researchers were invited to join the future HPC Competence Center. The presentation was held by prof. dr Milica Vukotic, member of the Euro CC team and dean of the Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies.

Prof. Milica Vukotic giving an overview of the EuroCC project implemented at UDG
Introcucing main goals and the roadmap for HPC NCC Monteengro