HPC NCC Romania, in cooperation with HPC Competence Centers in Montenegro, Portugal and the Netherlands, is organizing training training session (online) in HPC technologies.
Training event will take place on the 26th of May 2022 starting with 09:00 AM (10.00 AM UTC+3). Draft agenda is avaliable at link.

Lectures will cover :
– basic aspects of HPC technology (parallel computing), as well as technical details about accessing HPC resources and the libraries / paradigms used;
– practice session – hands-on exercise, by directly accessing the SURF-NL Supercomputer (Netherlands) from your laptop, which aims to exemplify the use of HPC and apply the concepts in the first part. These exercises will provide access to an HPC-type infrastructure.
In the first part of training, Luka Filipovic, NCC Montenegro, will speak about load balancing algorithms in parallel computing applications.

For the second part of the session, access credentials are needed in the supercomputing system. Participation is free and subject to a limited number of participants.
You will receive the access credentials, as well as the link of the online session, only after registering through the registration form on https://roncc.ro/eurocc-events/hpc-training-event-may-26-2022/. Please register no later than Wednesday, May 25, at 13:00 to have enough time to create all credentials by trainers.