The way is open to building a EuroHPC world-class supercomputer in Greece

A hosting agreement has been signed between the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) in Greece where DAEDALUS, a new EuroHPC supercomputer will be located. University of Donja Gorica is one of the partners in the implementation of the project.

Once procured, DAEDALUS will be a mid-range supercomputer, able to perform more than 30 petaflops or 30 million billion calculations per second. This new supercomputer will be managed and operated by GRNET, the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology in Greece. DAEDALUS will be installed in the historical 19th century Electric Power Station building in Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park and is expected to have an overall surface area of 1500 m2.

The supercomputer will power new applications in a wide range of areas, such as engineering, chemistry, health sciences and will be used to visualise and solve scientific problems. It will advance science and boost the innovation potential of enterprises while improving the European citizens’ quality of life.

DAEDALUS, at a total acquisition cost of EUR 33 million, will be co-funded with a maximum total budget of up to EUR 10 million by the EuroHPC JU (35%) and Greece (65% of national funds). Cyprus, Montenegro and North Macedonia are also involved in the project as members of the DAEDALUS consortium. This partnership is strategic for the European Union as it will support science and technology in the wider area of South-East Europe.

DAEDALUS Partners:

  • GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, Greece Owner, operator, manager, coordinator
  • The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus: Participation in high-level support team
  • University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro: Participation in high-level support team
  • Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Participation in high-level support team

Links for more details:

Prof. Armin Alibasi​c on Castiel workshop on Human engagement

Within the Next Castiel training, a member of NCC Montenegro, Ass. professor Armin Alibasic will take part with the topic, “How to engage younger students, including high schools, on HPC”. Through the training, Armin will bring to the attention of all the methods and techniques used by NCC Montenegro, to bring a topic that was almost unknown to the general public, especially to young people, and develop certain knowledge and skills in them.

Prof. Alibasic will be talking at the upcoming Castiel workshop

Meeting with NCC Turkey

HPC NCC Montenegro representatives Luka Filipovic and Sanja Nikolic organized initial meeting with colleagues from NCC Turkey and exchanged experience and learnings on dissemination strategies, industry collaboration and training activities.

Meeting with NCC Turkey

Turkish Academic Network and Information Centre (TUBITAK ULAKBIM), as lead beneficiary, is responsible for the management of NCC Turkey. As the Third-Parties of NCC Turkey, Middle East Technical University, Sabancı University, and Istanbul Technical University National Center for High-Performance Computing (UHeM) share their HPC and domain expertise through the dedicated training events, schools, and consultancies.

The NCC has organized wide range of events (>60 events with >11.000 participants) that strengthen the HPC environment by emphasizing the benefits of HPC-related technologies to the private and public sectors (trainings, seminars, webinars, workshops, info days, hackathons, conferences). Training activities and course models are organized in variety of fields like CFD, Parallel Computing with CUDA, SME interaction, Big Data, AI in Medical Image Understanding and Anomaly Detection, Materials Modelling, Graph School.

Both NCCs presented their activities

NCC Montenegro agreed future cooperation in the areas of HPC, HPDA and AI related training courses and industry interaction within EuroCC 2 project scope, with further discussion on research and innovation possibilities.

Collaboration with NCC Germany

As a follow up to the “speed date” event organized by EuroCC/Castiel projects, NCC Montenegro and NCC Germany organized a meeting to explore opportunities for future collaboration between two NCCs. It was interesting to discuss the differences and better understand the grounds for future collaboration. Both NCCs introduced their teams, progress and results achieved so far. A possibility to include members of German NCC into the training and research support activities in Montenegro were discussed. Concrete proposals were discussed for the Fall training on AI/ML and parallel programming. NCC Montenegro also informed German NCC team about the priorities of Montenegrin S3 Smart Specialisation Strategy that may be a good inspiration for thematic areas for joint collaboration.

.Discussion the collaboration between NCC Germany and NCC Montenegro

EuroCC Training champions meeting

EuroCC organized Trainer champions/deputies meeting on 8th June 2022. Participants shared experiences from their countries, discussed modalities of cooperation and get to know each other better. Luka Filipovic, NCC Montenegro, spoke with colleagues from HPC NCC Finland, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and UK.

EuroCC Training champions meeting
EuroCC Training champions meeting

Discussion of Training Opportunities with KIFÜ from NCC Hungary

NCC Montenegro and NCC Hungary (KIFÜ) had a very interesting discussion today about various training opportunities. KIFÜ representatives expressed their interest in Open Academy training courses that were offered to high school students. We discussed possibility to collaborate in some future training events.

Meeting of representatives from NCC Hungary (KIFÜ) and NCC Montenegro

HPC training by NCC Romania

HPC NCC Romania, in cooperation with HPC Competence Centers in Montenegro, Portugal and the Netherlands, is organizing training training session (online) in HPC technologies.

Training event will take place on the 26th of May 2022 starting with 09:00 AM (10.00 AM UTC+3). Draft agenda is avaliable at link.

Lectures will cover :
–  basic aspects of HPC technology (parallel computing), as well as technical details about accessing HPC resources and the libraries / paradigms used;

– practice session – hands-on exercise, by directly accessing the SURF-NL Supercomputer (Netherlands) from your laptop, which aims to exemplify the use of HPC and apply the concepts in the first part. These exercises will provide access to an HPC-type infrastructure.

In the first part of training, Luka Filipovic, NCC Montenegro, will speak about load balancing algorithms in parallel computing applications.

For the second part of the session, access credentials are needed in the supercomputing system. Participation is free and subject to a limited number of participants.

You will receive the access credentials, as well as the link of the online session, only after registering through the registration form on Please register no later than Wednesday, May 25, at 13:00 to have enough time to create all credentials by trainers.