EuroCC and NCC Montenegro were featured in “Elektroprivreda”, a magazine published by the national power company EPCG. The magazine published the interview with prof. dr Mladen Kezunovic that was done during his visit to UDG and his invited lecture “AI in Energy Sector”. This effort was part of our engagement of the industry to promote AI and HPC applications and EPCG is one of the major stakeholders in energy sector in Montenegro.
EuroCC project and NCC Montenegro were featured in success stories video for Smart Specialisation Strategy for Montenegro (S3). Ministry of science and technological development joined forces with UNDP to create a new website platform to promote and manage activities related to Montengrin S3. UDG is currently implemented several projects that are fully in line with Montenegrin S3 and H2020 EuroCC was featured in the video as one of the flagship projects for Montengrin S3. The priority domains of Montenegrin S3 are agriculture and food production, health and tourism, and energy. Information communication technology is recognized as a horizontal priority that will provide foundation for multidisciplinary research and applications. New website for S3 Montenegro can be accessed through the following link.
S3 Montenegro – University of Donja GoricaNew website platform for S3 Montengro (click on image to open)
EuroCC Montenegro and UDG are organizing a Round Table event titled “Driving the future with HPC and AI innovations in Smart Specialization Areas in Montenegro”. The event was promoted and announced on national news portals, i.e. CDM and AntenaM. See you on Saturday!
IT2022 Conference and EuroCC Workshop on HPC and AI were featured in national news portals today. Most notably we got coverage in CDM and AntenaM. For that purpose EuroCC Montenegro prepared a short video covering the conference and workshop activities.
Click on video to playClick on image to openClick on image to open
EuroCC project and HPC NCC Montenegro was featured in several local news portals such as AntenaM, CDM, PortalAnalitika. Feel free to click on images below to read the post.
AntenaM (click on image to open)CDM (click on image to open)Portal Analitika (click on image to open)
FF4EuroHPC project, together with CASTIEL project and EuroCC, is strengthening High-Performance Computing in Europe. Find out in the latest interview with Dr. Bastian Koller and Dr. Guy Lonsdale, published in the ETP4HPC European Technology Platform for HPC annual report link.
The first training event on HPC organized by the NCC Montenegro finished successfully. The agenda for the event can is available for download at the following link. The conference program is available at IEEE IT 2021 Conference program. Learn more about IEEE IT2021 Conference at link.
1st Training Event organized by NCC Montengro organized within IT2021 Conference
Video recordings from the training sessions are available at following links: