The call is designed to serve industry organisations, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, as well as public sector entities, requiring access to supercomputing resources to perform artificial intelligence and data-intensive activities.
Start date: time-to-resources-access of one (1) month after the date of cut-off.
Duration: The allocations are granted for one (1) year.
Welcome to “Supercomputing in Europe” podcast from the EuroCC and Centre of Excellence network where we will talk about all things supercomputers.
Listen to stories by guests from all around Europe who talk about their work and give us interesting insights on the role of supercomputers in multiple fields such as life science, machine learning, engineering, data science, quantum computing, and more.
In the first episode, listen to EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) executive director Anders Dam Jensen discuss with communication specialist Apostolos Vasileiadis (ENCCS, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden) about EuroHPC JU and the state of supercomputing in Europe and its future.
In the second episode listen to Marta García-Gasulla and Filippo Mantovani from Barcelona Supercomputing Center discuss with Sally Kiebdaj (Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD, HLRS – High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart) about the European Processor Initiative and CEEC CoE.
NCC Montenegro is highlighting ongoing FFplus Open Calls to empower SMEs and Startups to develop innovative products and services with the support of HPC and AI.
European SMEs and Startups have the opportunity to shift their innovation potential through the two types of FFplus Open Calls (total budget €24.0 million):
Business experiments addressing the uptake of HPC for specific business challenges of SMEs that have had no prior use of HPC services. The maximum funding request per proposal is € 200,000.
Innovation studies, supporting SMEs and startups already active in the field of generative AI technology, which lack the necessary computational resources to scale up. The maximum funding for each innovation study is € 300,000.
Application deadline: September 4th, 2024!
Find out more about FFplus Open Calls, application details and NCC Montenegro’s support on:
XXVIII international scientific and professional conference “Information technologies” was held from February 21 to 24, 2024 traditionally in Žabljak, organized by: University of Montenegro – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Donja Gorica – Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, IT Society Crna Gora, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences, IEEE Association and IEEE Section for Serbia and Montenegro, with the full support of the company Čikom from Podgorica. Presentations of author’s works and sessions were realized live in the hotel “Gorske oči”, hotel “Žabljak”, but also online. The conference gathered around 200 national and international participants. Link to conference website:
Authors from 20 countries took part in the conference: Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia and the Philippines. The number of submitted author’s works was 101, of which 67 were accepted and presented, which were reviewed and selected on the basis of the complete work. Topics from various fields are covered such as: image and audio signal processing, acyclic graphs, blockchain technology, information security, standardization, application of artificial intelligence in various fields, management of unmanned vessels, virtual trade and knowledge transfer.\
Another successful realization of IEEE IT2024 Conference
A special session was dedicated to the presentations of the EuroCC2 project – National Competence Centers for HPC:, the presentation of the Montenegrin Academic Digital Innovation Hub, supported by the DigNEST project : , then TRACEWINDU:, FoodHUB – Center of excellence for digitization of risk assessment in the field of food safety and precise certification of the authenticity of pre-harvested products: https://foodhub, HPC4S3ME:, AI-AGE:, STECCI: https://steccihorizoneu. com/, FishEUTrust:, Solar Katun:, Enav: https://enav.ucg. and COMMECT: . Representatives of Fleka, Čikom and FiveG Group participated in the training.
As part of the XXVIII scientific-professional conference, those present had the opportunity to participate in workshops, panels and trainings in the field of artificial intelligence, but also to hear the activities carried out by national competence centers in the field of high-performance computing from Cyprus, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Montenegro, Turkey , North Macedonia, Romania, participants in the EuroCC2 project. The project supports the development of innovative solutions by targeted participants in the private and public sector by providing support to interested end users in the use of HPC/HPDA/AI. Activities and innovative solutions based on the use of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) for applications in industrial domains defined by the Smart Specialization Strategy (2019-2024) for Montenegro were presented.
Traditionally, the conference was successfully completed for the twenty-eighth year in a row, and it fulfilled its goal by pointing out the importance of a multidisciplinary overview of current events and the networking of a large number of university professors and associates, experts and young researchers in the field of information and communication technologies.
EuroCC NCC Montenegro website had over 10,000 visitors and over 25,000 visits during the last year. The number of visits was correlated with the organization of events, publishing od blog posts and announcements on social media. The overall stats since the website launch shows over 22,000 visitors and close to 60,000 visits. This is for the period from Jan 2021.
The Executive Office of American Chamber of Commerce and National Competence Centre for High Performance Computing Montenegro, organized joint workshop on innovative supercomputing technologies and applications on November 17th 2023 at University of Donja Gorica.
The AmCham member companies from various industry domains were greeted by Marko Mirocevic, AmCham Executive Director and Milica Vukotic, Dean of the Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, emphasizing the importance digital acceleration and EuroCC2/Digital Europe project opportunities for enhancing industry innovations and competitiveness.
Representative of NCC Montenegro for industry cooperation, Sanja Nikolic introduced technical aspects and commercial applications of HPC systems, underlining transformative and innovative potential for the industry driven by integration of computational power (HPC/HPDA) and intelligent algorithms (AI/ML/DL). She also elaborated on EuroHPC supercomputing resources and access opportunities, as well as on possibilities for MNE companies to assess their HPC/AI readiness through HPC4SME self-evaluation tool (
Representative of NCC Montenegro for service development, Luka Filipovic, presented new AI Master program and training courses, including Parallel Programing and Deep Learning, for enhancing HPC/AI skills, as well as other NCC services related to technical expertise, projects consultancy and preparation of use-cases for industry, academia and public sector. HPC/AI success stories in the areas of smart solutions for poultry farms, precise weather forecast in challenging topography of Montenegro, short-term predictive pricing in energy markets and personalized banking solutions, were presented in the constructive dialogues supported atmosphere.
AmCham members discussed challenges related to deploying AI models, issues with data availability and potential industry use-cases.
The joint event was great opportunity to promote supercomputing resources, applications and benefits available to Montenegrin companies, and to enhance industry interaction especially with the strategically aware and operationally proficient companies, to fully embrace future-proof technologies.
Representative of NCC Montenegro, Sanja Nikolic participated in the Round Table “Montenegrin Finance and Internationalization”, organized by Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art. On this event, topics related to the international competitiveness, financial opportunities and fast-paced digitalization with HPC&AI, were lively discussed with representatives of academia, banking sector, investment & trading institutions. Mrs. Nikolic presented technical and commercial aspects of HPC systems and emphasized HPC/AI powered use cases in the financial services industry. EuroCC/EuroCC2 supercomputing opportunities and NCC Montenegro activities related to HPC/AI study programs, trainings and industry success stories were also elaborated.