As part of the Erasmus+ VIRAL project, a training was held at the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro in order to promote digital transformation and the application of ICT in agriculture. Representatives from University of Donja Gorica prepared a presentation entitled “Digital transformation in agriculture” as part of the Digital Day, on Friday, July 22, 2022. starting at 1 p.m., in the premises of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. As part of the presentation, an overview of the activities of the VIRAL project was given. The presentation covered foundations of the process of digital transformation and the application of ICT solutions in agriculture. During the presentation and discussions, other project relevant to ICT and digital transformation in agriculture were featured including EuroCC and AIMHiGH projects. This topic is fully in line with Montenegrin Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3 Montenegro), and we concluded that another similar workshop needs to be organized in Fall of 2022.
Industry cooperation: “Elektroprivreda” published the interview with Prof. Kezunovic
EuroCC and NCC Montenegro were featured in “Elektroprivreda”, a magazine published by the national power company EPCG. The magazine published the interview with prof. dr Mladen Kezunovic that was done during his visit to UDG and his invited lecture “AI in Energy Sector”. This effort was part of our engagement of the industry to promote AI and HPC applications and EPCG is one of the major stakeholders in energy sector in Montenegro.
IT 2022 Special Event: Panel Discussion on HPC/AI and Applications
NGO “IT Društvo” and HPC NCC Montenegro, with support from University of Montenegro and University of Donja Gorica, organized a special session – panel “HPC/AI applications – opportunities, challenges and perspectives” as part of the XXVI scientific-professional conference Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The event took place on June 4, 2022 in the canyon of the river Tara, municipality of Žabljak, Montenegro. This panel discussion was focused on the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of the application of Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Computing in our country, the region, and around the world.
Representatives from University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University of Montenegro, and University of Donja Gorica took part in these discussions. There was around 35 participants including he representatives of industry from IT, medical, and agricultural sector. The socializing and networking took place in the beautiful ambient of the river Tara. This is another one in the list of events engaging the key partners and industry representatives in Montenegro and the region. More info on the IEEE IT2022 conference is available on the following link.
The event was opened by prof. dr Bozo Krstajic (University of Montenegro) and dr Sandra Tinaj (NCC Montenegro). The event included a lively Q&A session with presentations of projects (FASTER, EUROCC, AIMHIGH). The final list of panelists:
- prof. dr Srdjan Krco (DunavNET, Serbia),
- prof. dr Almir Badnjevic (VERLAB, Bosnia),
- prof. dr Sanja Vujnović (University of Belgrade, Serbia),
- prof. dr Slobodan Djukanovic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro),
- prof. dr Tomo Popovic (University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro) as moderator.
Successful Event: AI in Energy Sector by Prof. Mladen Kezunović (Texas A&M)
University of Donja Gorica and HPC NCC Montenegro invited a special guest, prof. dr Mladen Kezunović, a Regents Professor at Texas A&M University and Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Kezunović gave talk on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sector. This lecture is part of the series of events pertaining to HPC/AI applications in the priority domains of Motenegrin S3 and in line with the EuroCC NCC Montengro goal for engaging industry with respect to HPC/AI applications . There was over 70 attendees (live and online) including industry representatives (energy sector IT companies), universities, and high schools.
HPC/AI Applications – Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives
NGO “IT Društvo”, in cooperation with HPC NCC Montenegro, organizes a special session – panel “HPC / AI applications – opportunities, challenges and perspectives” as part of the XXVI scientific-professional conference Information Technology, IEEE IT2022, to be held on June 4, 2022 in the village of Tepca in the canyon of the river Tara, municipality of Žabljak, Montenegro. This panel aims to comprehensively and multidisciplinary review the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of the application of Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Computing in our country and in the world. The panel will be organized in the beautiful ambiance of the Tara river canyon with competent participants, representatives of scientific and educational institutions from the country and the region, agencies and companies. The agenda is available at this link.
Invited Talk: AI in Energy Sector by Prof. Mladen Kezunović (Texas A&M)
University of Donja Gorica and HPC NCC Montenegro invited a special guest, prof. dr Mladen Kezunović, a Regents Professor at Texas A&M University and Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Kezunović will give talk on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sector. This lecture is part of the series of events pertaining to HPC/AI applications in the priority domains of Motenegrin S3 and in line with the EuroCC NCC Montengro goal for engaging industry with respect to HPC/AI applications . The event is planned for 9:30h on 30 May 2022. Due to a limited number of seats, please register using the form is available here. We are also providing a link for online access to the lecture on YouTube (click here for live video).
Summary – The topic of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and associated analytics rose to prominence as the huge amounts of data became available through the space exploration, weather projections and medical biogenetic investigations. The humans deployed AI/ML to create data models to automate the data analysis, which may be infeasible to do manually or by simulations of physical systems only. Social media and commercial outlets such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and others have used for a while AI/ML the analysis of huge data sets to develop data models to predict consumer behavior. The power system operators are lately experiencing huge amounts of data obtained through field measurements and external sources such as variety of weather and other ambient data.
This talk focuses on the role of AI/ML data analytics in managing and controlling future power system by predicting power system outages at different spatiotemporal scales. The importance of outage prediction is explored, and examples how the AI/ML analytics are recently used to successful predict the risk of transmission and distribution faults are explored. The use of the risk prediction maps to manage the risk of forced outages and mitigate their impacts, as well as how the risk analysis can be used to schedule participation of distributed energy resources to mitigate outages is illustrated with a few examples. The future trends are also outlined.
FF4EuroHPC Two-Day Project Review
On 16-17 March, FF4EuroHPC partners have started with a two-day project review. Dr Bastian Koller, managing director at HLRS – High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart and project coordinator started the public presentation of the FF4EuroHPC project insights. He also gave a glimpse into the Experiments supported by FF4EuroHPC and provided the outlooks for the future. But most of all, he presented clearly how this project supports European SMEs and encourages their competitiveness and highlighted the added value project brings to the European HPC landscape (source: FF4EuroHPC).
In the photo below, you can see the outstanding results our consortia gained – red-colored countries are participating in the FF4EuroHPC Experiments. Learn more about the Experiments at the foll.owing link.