IHMS precise weather forecast at VEGA HPC system

NCC Montenegro successfully submitted the proposal No. EHPC-BEN-2023B12-015 High-Resolution Weather Prediction Model for Montenegro, to the EuroHPC Benchmark Access Call, in cooperation with Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro (IHMS) on VEGA CPU for the period 15.01.-15.04.2024. The project aimed to leverage the EuroHPC resources to establish and benchmark precise weather forecast models in the complex topography of Montenegro, utilize these models to refine existing meteorological models, and ultimately enhance the accuracy of weather forecasts, particularly for severe weather events.

Simulations used the Weather Research and Forecasting Non-Hydrostatic Mesoscale Model (WRF-NMM) combining advanced numerical techniques with HPC, for studying atmospheric phenomena with high spatial and temporal resolution and providing accurate and efficient simulations of regional weather patterns. Key activities included installing and fine-tuning the model based on previous verification results, preparing input data, running and fine-tuning the model, and analyzing results in the context of weather prediction and parallel computing performance. WRF model is tested on complex Montenegrin terrain on resolutions 0.5km, 1km, 3km, and 5km. Application scalability was tested on up to 8 nodes, running up to 1024 tasks simultaneously. Simulations were executed for different timespans, but results/overall execution time was scaled to one day period to calculate application speedup and efficiency.

Vega HPC has significantly enhanced research capabilities, allowing to achieve results more quickly and with greater accuracy: scalability was successfully tested on 64-512 CPU cores and the model was successfully downscaled to the resolution of 0.5 km. The final report on granted EUROHPC JU Benchmark Access and effective utilization of the VEGA CPU system assigned is submitted.

Advancing Automated Trading: PAID-T simulations at LUMI supercomputer

PAID-T (Price Action Intelligent Detection Trading) is a scalable software solution for investment funds, banks, brokers and digital banks that automatically analyzes markets, executes trades and optimizes trading. The basis of the solution is the awareness of the context when the most potent moment for trading is, the ability to quickly adapt to new market conditions, as well as rigorous rules for risk management.

PAID-T uses mathematical models for statistical data processing (big data), instrument price detection algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to create a unique trading experience.

Using the Lumi supercomputer will help us significantly speed up historical testing. Before using Lumi resources, our tests took an average of 6 days. We now expect to be able to complete testing between 5 and 12 hours depending on the number of parameters used.

The PAID-T has been supported by NCC Montenegro providing technical consultation, HPC systems expertise, and support regarding the application process for EuroHPC Development Call on LUMI (CPU partition). HPC infrastructure access was approved and provided for 12 months.

International Conference: Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective, BfR, May 2024

FoodHub and NCC Montenegro team attended the “International Conference: Global Commodity Chains from a Risk Assessment Perspective” in Berlin, hosted by German federal institute for Risk Assessment BfR. This conference brought together national and international experts in feed and food chains, digitalization, and consumer health protection. It was a fantastic platform to exchange knowledge on innovative techniques and digital solutions for evaluating risks in global commodity chains. The focus was on integrating data and insights about hazards, exposure, and technologies to enhance risk assessment along feed and food chains.

We proudly presented two abstracts in the poster/software session, as part of FoodDecide project:

  • Andrea Milacic, Amil Orahovac, Luka Filipovic, “Optimizing the Montenegrin Milk Supply Chain: A Data Visualization Approach”
  • Luka Filipovic, Andrea Milacic, Amil Orahovac, Aleksandra Martinovic, “HoneyChain: Enhancing Honey Production Monitoring System”

High-Performance Computing: A Powerful Tool for Industry Leaders

You want to optimize your business processes and accelerate innovations?

You need additional computing resources for your R&D&I process?

You need expert support to parallelize or scale your software solutions?

You need access to HPC infrastructure to train AI models?

In the digital era of data explosion, traditional computing methods are struggling to keep pace. High-Performance Computing (HPC) offers powerful solutions, allowing analysis of massive datasets in real-time, running complex simulations, and extraction of valuable insights and actionable results – all within a secure and scalable environment. Big industries and SMEs use HPC systems or Supercomputers to build innovative strategies, techniques, and products.
NCC Montenegro serves as a gateway to European supercomputing expertise and infrastructure and supports researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs in their HPC and AI needs. NCC experts provide HPC/HPDA/AI technical consultations, training, and support services, adapted to the business environment and industry domains.

NCC Montenegro service portfolio

You will learn about HPC and AI and get ready to use it! Our HPC expert will assist you with your software development or code parallelization and will guide you through the application process to access the European most powerful supercomputers, significantly reducing your workload and work time. NCC services are free of charge, i.e. subsidized by EuroCC program support for innovation, research, and development.

Contact us for a free consultation and discover how HPC can empower your business, competitiveness and innovation!

NCC Montenegro and CIGRE organized successful HPC/AI Energy Workshop

NCC Montenegro, in collaboration with Montenegrin National Committee of CIGRE, one of the leading worldwide organizations on electric power systems, successfully organized a collaborative workshop, focusing on opportunities and benefits of HPC and AI complementary technologies in the energy sector, industry best practices and examples of high-fidelity energy metrics modelling. The workshop was attended by approx. 30 participants, academic researchers and industry experts, effectively converging HPC-powered AI research advancements with challenges and opportunities in the energy sector, driven by quality of predictive analytics and sustainability of energy models.

Representatives of HPC National Competence Centre of Montenegro, Sanja Nikolic and Luka Filipovic presented EUROCC2 project, NCC services, EuroHPC infractructure acces, PC4SME assessment tool and research, as well as success stories demonstrating advancements in HPC and AI applications in energy sector.

Mr Darko Krivokapić, Executive Director of the Directorate for Energy Management of the Montenegrin Electric Enterprise (EPCG), presented characteristics of Montenegro energy system and challenges of short- and long-term predictions of energy prices and consumption, depending on Montenegrin energy balance, renewable energy sources, weather conditions and trade dynamics/external risks facing electricity wholesale markets.

Mr Milutin Pavicevic PhD student@University of Donja Gorica and CEO of Alicorn, presented forecasting day-ahead electricity metrics (prices and loads) with different models of artificial neural networks and its accuracy comparison on the given dataset, elaborating on possible commercial implications in energy sector.

Mr Lazar Scekic, Teaching Assistant @University of Montenegro, introduced the audience with its research work on security challenges of electricity infrastructure (GPS spoofing) and reliable AI methods for the protection of electrical power systems against cyberattacks.

Mr Ivan Vujovic, PhD student @University of Belgrade and CEO of Tering, presented models related to prediction of production and consumption of electrical energy in the electrical system by using recurrent neural networks, discussing quality parameters that determine and improve predictive functioning of energy systems.

HPC and AI energy workshop enhanced awareness of NCC Montenegro services and EuroHPC infrastructure resources, available free of charge for the Montenegrin industry for the purpose of research, development and innovation.

Intensive discussion and exchange of opinions, expertise and experience between energy systems’ researchers and practitioners, including meteorological professionals also, open possibilities for the productive collaboration on calibrating computationally-demanding AI/ML models for national energy datasets, to improve their learning accuracy, prediction rates and potential of its commercial utilization in the energy system of Montenegro.

NCC MNE shared best practices @Industry Coffee Break

At the Industry Coffee Break on April 2nd, NCC representative Sanja Nikolic presented a concise overview of communication strategies, organizational efforts and NCCs and industry collaboration practices related to preparation of industry workshops in Montenegro, aimed to increase awareness on HPC/AI benefits, NCC services and EuroHPC infrastructure opportunities.

NCC Montenegro shared their strategic focus on cooperation with business associations, technology affiliations and industry clusters in organizing tailored HPC/AI workshops and steering companies’ interactions always keeping communication channels open and the collaboration model attractive (free NCC expertise and access to EuroHPC resources).

NCC Montenegro strongly supports international and interdisciplinary workshops to capitalize on the experience and expertise of the pan-European NCCs network, to heavily exploit EuroCC2 Success Stories, and to provide peer testimonials from companies already utilizing HPC resources to develop/optimize their AI models and promote business innovations.

HPC4SME AAT: Welcoming SMEs into HPC World

On 27th of March a HPC4SME AAT Task Force meeting was organized by NCC SLING Slovenia and led by partner Arctur. NCC Montenegro representative Sanja Nikolic participated in the meeting, aimed to promote the wider use of the HPC4SME Automated Assessment Tool within the NCCs network. The goal is to effectively reach European industry users and empower them with HPC technologies.

The HPC4SME AAT offers a streamlined process for companies to discover if and how they can benefit from innovative HPC technologies and applications. Company interaction starts with filling out web-based questionnaire, utilizing online HPC+ tutorials, receiving customized report with recommendations, and contacting NCC’s experts for further support/free access to HPC resources for companies’ R&D&I needs.
NCC Montenegro shared valuable first-hand experiences for successful utilization of HPC4SME AAT during the first EuroCC project phase, for HPC/HPDA/AI awareness raising, market intelligence, competence mapping and industry steering process. Based on the 50+ completed, companies’ assessments and advanced analytics, NCC Montenegro provided market- and industry-specific evidence on HPC potential users in Montenegro, and consequently completed 3 Success Stories with NCC experts support.

NCC SLING Slovenia upgraded HPC4SME Automated Assessment Tool with the support of the NCCs and officially launched it in late 2023. Currently, 24 NCCs are utilizing HPC4SME AAT across EuroCC2 footprint, with growing numbers local languages customizations and completed companies’ assessments. At this occasion, we kindly invite all industrial end-users, especially SMEs, to assess their HPC readiness and receive further NCC Montenegro support. Start here.