EuroCC Project Presented at IEEE IT2022

Researchers from EuroCC Montenegro presented EuroCC project at the 26th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The conference is traditionally taking place in Žabljak, Montenegro, but this year the event was organized in a virtual setting. Dr Luka Filipovic gave a presentation on EuroCC project goals and main results of the EuroCC Montenegro. More information about the conference is available at the following link.

There was around 25 attendees in the session dedicated to project results presentations
EuroCC Montenegro will be hosting a workshop on HPC/HPDA/AI on 17-18 Feb 2022.

IEEE IT2022 Conference Program is Available

The organizers of the IEEE IT2022 conference are pleased to inform you that the Program of the 26th IT Conference and the schedule of sections is posted on the site within the links “Conference program” and “Sections schedule”. University of Donja Gorica and EuroCC Montenegro took active role in the organization of this years IT2022. Please check the links for paper presentation sessions as well as EuroCC workshop on HPC/HPDA/AI. More information about the conference is available here.

Click on slide to open the conference website

You can download the program of the XXVI International Scientific-Professional Conference IT`22 at this link.

EuroCC Montenegro is organizing 2nd High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Workshop on 17-18. February within the IEEE IT2022 conference. The agenda for the training is available here.

Please click on the image below to register for the EuroCC Montenegro workshop.

Click on image to register for EuroCC Montenegro Workshop

AI and function of the brains of adults and the unborn

University of Donja Gorica from Montenegro and International Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina are organizing a scientific conference on the topic “What does modern science know about the structure and function of the brains of adults and the unborn?”. The conference is taking place at the UDG, Amphitheater AS, on 5th and 6th of February 2022 . The organizers of the conference are Academic prof. dr Veselin Vukotic and Academic prof. dr Asim Kurjak.

We would like to emphasize the talks on the use of Artificial intelligence for pattern recognition, ultrasound diagnostics and prediction of performance and potential failures of medical devices. Those talks will be given by Academic Almir Badnjevic and prof. dr Tarik Uzunovic.

Click on image for the Agenda (in Montenegrin/Bosnian)

Training Best Practice Seminar (CASTIEL)

On Thursday, 20 January, from 2pm – 5:30pm CET, representatives from NCC Montenegro took part in the Training Best Practice Seminar organized by CASTIEL project. The topics for the seminar were: How to organize an event such as an HPC hackathon or a winter-school and how to attract (new) attendees. Dr. Tomo Popovic and Dr. Luka Filipovic gave a presentation on How to organise an international conference, and discussed the experiences on organizing a HPC/HPDA/AI workshop within IEEE Information Technology IT2021 conference that was held last year.

Presentation on how to organise a training workshop within an conference
Around 50 people attended the presentation

Successful HPC Training – Collaboration with Partner NCCs

NCC Montenegro and NCC Romaina organized training event as one of EuroCC activities. Dr. Kyriacos HADJIYIANNAKOU from NCC Cyprus gave presentation about HPC and Parallel Programming. Dr. Maxim Masterov, SURF, The Netherlands NCC gave presentation about practical use of HPC in SURF and shown users how to execute first parallel sciripts on their HPC cluster. Montenegrin participants were interested students and professors from academy institutions and IT companies.

Virtual training supported by the collaboration with other HPC NCCs
Montenegrin students were interested in how to use the HPC resources for their research

EuroCC project presented at national conference

EuroCC NCC Montenegro participated in a national conference on Industry 4.0 and Cyber Security issues in Montenengro, where reference solutions on the possibility of applying HPC in the process of digitalization and possibilities for collaboration with EuroCC were presented. The conference is organized by UDG and in cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. Montenegrin NCC team gave presentation on the EuroCC project and the progress on activities so far. The team extended invitation for collaboration to all stakeholders and representatives from industry, academia and public sector.

EuroCC presented at a national conference
Presenting project activities and results achieved so far
This was a hybrid event (online and live), hotel Hilton, Podgorca