Appreciative feedback on Parallel Computing Course

Parallel Programming training course was organised by UDG and HPC NCC Montenegro in cooperation with NCC Germany, from 8th November to 14th of December 2022. The training was dedicated both to companies interested in the parallel programming skills and to students eager to learn on theoretical basis and practical features of parallel computing, with 54 attendees registered in total. Program course covered: Concepts of parallel computers – purpose, architecture, division; Practical guidelines for the development of parallel programs based on the architecture of shared and distributed memory as well as on the hybrid model; Analysis of the performance of parallel programs including decomposition of serial program and transformation into parallel programs. Beside the theoretical part, the training also included practical examples, use cases and hands-on exercises that allowed participants to apply and test their parallel programming knowledge on supercomputing systems/HPC-working environment. Participants learned to identify parallelization problem, analyse parallel programs complexity and efficiency, and develop simple parallel program, with dedicated support of academic professors and HPC experts dr Luka Filipovic from NCC Montenegro and lecturers from The Leibniz Computing Center, NCC Germany.    


After the training, survey forms were sent out to regular participants, revealing interesting statistics on training activity, industry appeal and further expectations.

Regarding academic participants, this was an obligatory course for students of the MSc program Artificial Intelligence, but also 1/3 of students came from Engineering and IT faculty level programs. Regarding industry participants, the majority were coming from the ICT sector, with working experience up to 5 years (but also 38% with 15+ years).

Decision to attend Parallel Programming course was dominantly influenced by: 1) personal interest in developing parallel computing skills, 2) possibility to obtain practical experience and 3) engagement of international and experienced lecturers.

With regard to level of complexity, the majority of participants considered the program course demanding, but successfully managed. With regard to teaching program and course organisation, 65% and 71% of participants evaluated them with the highest grade, respectively. With regard to communication with lecturers, knowledgeable answers and useful consultations were highly appreciated. 86% of surveyed participants confirmed that the training course fully or mostly met their expectations. 

Being asked what they liked the most about the course, participants stated: hands-on approach, practical examples, expertise of lecturers and open source application used by NCC in Germany. And when it comes to possible improvements, focus was on providing more practical examples and tasks. Over 70% participants would be further interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning training opportunities, and all industry representatives confirmed interest in potential cooperation with UDG on project activities.

The general aim of the training course was to increase the parallel programming skills in Montenegro, but also to promote EuroCC projects and supercomputing resources, and to encourage HPC-based project ideas and partnerships. 

Participation of NCC Montenegro @ 3rd EUROCC/CASTIEL global conference

Sanja Nikolic, representative of HPC NCC Montenegro participated at 3rdEUROCC/CASTIEL global conference, organized with an aim of presenting of main results, key achievements and NCCs successful deliverables within EuroCC1 project phase.

EUROCC/CASTIEL representatives presented key highlights of EUROCC 1 project management with regard to Competence Map building; Training/Mentoring /Twinning activities; Industrial interaction support and Awareness Creation events and actions.

In the second part of the conference NCCs Finland, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey presented key achievements and EUROCC1 contributions in their respective working packages and selected project activities. NCC Montenegro presented multiple activities and overall results in the project segment related to HPC/HPDA/AI Trainings and Skills development.

The way is open to building a EuroHPC world-class supercomputer in Greece

A hosting agreement has been signed between the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) in Greece where DAEDALUS, a new EuroHPC supercomputer will be located. University of Donja Gorica is one of the partners in the implementation of the project.

Once procured, DAEDALUS will be a mid-range supercomputer, able to perform more than 30 petaflops or 30 million billion calculations per second. This new supercomputer will be managed and operated by GRNET, the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology in Greece. DAEDALUS will be installed in the historical 19th century Electric Power Station building in Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park and is expected to have an overall surface area of 1500 m2.

The supercomputer will power new applications in a wide range of areas, such as engineering, chemistry, health sciences and will be used to visualise and solve scientific problems. It will advance science and boost the innovation potential of enterprises while improving the European citizens’ quality of life.

DAEDALUS, at a total acquisition cost of EUR 33 million, will be co-funded with a maximum total budget of up to EUR 10 million by the EuroHPC JU (35%) and Greece (65% of national funds). Cyprus, Montenegro and North Macedonia are also involved in the project as members of the DAEDALUS consortium. This partnership is strategic for the European Union as it will support science and technology in the wider area of South-East Europe.

DAEDALUS Partners:

  • GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, Greece Owner, operator, manager, coordinator
  • The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus: Participation in high-level support team
  • University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro: Participation in high-level support team
  • Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Participation in high-level support team

Links for more details:

A scientific paper at IEEE ACIT 2022 conference

Researchers from UDG and NCC Montenegro presented a scientific paper at the 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). The conference took place at the Al Ain University – Abu Dhabi Campus on November 22-24, 2022. The paper “Overcoming Limitations of Statistical Methods with Artificial Neural Networks” was authored by M. Grebovic, L. Filipovic, I. Katnic, M. Vukotic, and T. Popovic. More information about the conference is available here. The paper is available at IEEE Xplore at the following link.

ABSTRACT – Traditional statistical models as tools for summarizing patterns and regularities in observed data can be used for making predictions. However, statistical prediction models contain small number of important predictors, which means limited informative capability. Also, predictive statistical models that provide some type of pseudo-correct regular statistical patterns, are used without previous understanding of the used data causality. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms as area in Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide the ability to interpret and understand data in more sophisticated way. Artificial Neural Networks as kind of ML methods use non-linear algorithms, considering links and associations between parameters, while statistical use one-step-ahead linear processes to improve only short-term prediction’s accuracy by minimizing cost function. Disregarding that designing an optimal artificial neural network is very complex process, they are considered as potential solution for overcoming main flaws of statistical prediction models. However, they will not automatically improve predictions accuracy, so several artificial neural networks and traditional statistical methods are evaluated and analyzed through accuracy measures for prediction purposes in various fields of applications. Based on gained results, couple of techniques for improving artificial neural networks are proposed to get better accuracy results than statistical predictive methods.

Click on image to open link to IEEE Xplore

AIMHiGH presented at SmAgTech EXPO2022 (VIRAL)

AIMHiGH project, a FF4EuroHPC application experiment, was presented at the SmAgTech EXPO2022. Mr Stevan Cakic gave a presentation at the conference during the plenary sessions on 24 Nov 2022. AIMHIGH was also featured in the virtual EXPO platform in the Projects section.

Mr. Stevan Cakic gave a presentation of the project and its results at the conference
FF4EuroHPC Experiment presented as a HPC Use Case in Agriculture
AIMHiGH, a FF4EuroHPC application experiment was featured in the virtual EXPO platform

AIMHiGH Application Experiment Featured by FF4EuroHPC at the SC22

The AIMHiGH project, a FF4EuroHPC application experiment for development of computer vision solutions for smart poultry farms, can be seen in the background at the SC22 (#SC22) exhibition booth for FF4EuroHPC during the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Storage and Analysis (Dallas, Texas). AIMHiGH was featured as one of the success stories of the FF4EuroHPC project. Learn more about the FF4EuroHPC project and check out the success stories at the following link.

FF4EuroHPC at #SC22 (image: FF4EuroHPC, LinkedIn)

Castiel WP2 Workshop on “Human engagement”

One of our Euro CC members, dr Armin Alibasic got an invitation to speak at the workshop Human Engagement in HPC. Dr Alibasic presented our success stories on how to engage younger students, including high schools, on HPC. Regarding this topic, one of our biggest achievements is creating an Open Mind academy where so far we had over 200 high school students participating in our training on courses such as ​Analyzing Social Media Trends, Python Video Game Programming, HPC/AI and Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, Hugging Face, and others.

Introducing NCC Montenegro
Discussing the Master program in AI

In addition, he talked about several lectures held at UDG where we invited young researches which gave a very interesting talks on AI/ML and their practical applications. Finally, dr Alibasic concluded by mentioning several conferences organized withing Montenegro, but as well the international events.

Discussing engagement of young people