Master thesis: Investigation of neural network efficiency in prediction electricity prices in the day-ahead market

Mr. Milutin Pavicevic just defended his Master thesis titled: “Investigation of neural network efficiency in prediction electricity prices in the day-ahead market”. The work focused on the use of artificial intelligence and exploration of various prediction models based on neural networks in order to improve prediction of electricity prices.

Mr. Pavicevic’s Master thesis defense at the Faculty for information systems and technologies, UDG

ABSTRACT – The power of neural networks in approximating continuous functions has led to more widespread use of this type of artificial intelligence in the field of time-series forecasting. This work examines the efficiency oftime-series prediction models when given the dataset of hourly values connected to day-ahead market of electrical energy. It presents the processing and windowing of the data to fit the prediction models, describes the specifics of the day-ahead market of electrical energy and more closely describes the way each of the used neural network models works.
The work looks at created neural network models with dense layers, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (LSTM), and measures their performance. Testing results show their accuracy when predicting based on the dataset of hourly values of day-ahead electricity on the HUPX market, coupled with the hourly weather data, as well as the related dataset of the hourly values of electricity consumption in Montenegro.

Exploring the use of AI and ANNs for prediction of electricity prices in the day-ahead market

Open Mind Academy Training Event

NCC Montenegro has successfully completed the realization of training Analyzing Social Media Trends and Python Video Game Programming within the Open Mind Academy for high school students at University of Donja Gorica UDG. The training were organized within work activities 34.2 Training and Skills development and were held in the period of 20th of April till 17th of May. The first set of training was held online and the second set of training was held in the University’s building, organized as a two-day event. There were around 30 participants from various high schools throughout Montenegro.
Within the Open Mind Academy at the University of Donja Gorica training called ANALYZING SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS in the field of Data Science and PYTHON VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMING were held. The training aimed at animating young people to get familiarized with modern technologies and acquire basic knowledge for enrollment in AI.
The candidates had the opportunity to listen to and work with colleagues from the NCC Montenegro research team: Armin Alibašić PhD, Stevan Šandi MA, Stevan Čakić MA and Bojana Mališić MA.
The training within the Open Mind Academy were intended for high school students who wished to gain practical experience in one of the very current areas using modern technologies such as 3D printing, design, programming, drones, AI and others, all in collaboration with lecturers from UDG. The knowledge acquired will enable participants to more easily build their future in one of the areas they choose with this program.

Final day Open Mind Academy at the UDG
Teaching Python to high school students

OpenMind Academy is open for registration

NCC Montenegro and UDG are organizing a training event for high school students. The following courses will take place:

  • Build your future with technology -3D
  • Analyzing social media trends
  • Python programming
  • Dron photography – dron piloting
  • Future and food

More information and registration form are available at the following link.

OpenMind Academy promo video

Open Mind – Learn to play: Training Event for High School Students in Montenegro

Open Mind – Learn to play” Training Event for High School Students in Montenegro

In the context of EuroCC project, HPC NCC Montenegro at the University of Donja Gorica is organizing a training event called “Open Mind – Learn to play” designated for high school students in Montenegro.

The training is planned for High School students who want to gain practical experience in some of the popular areas such as internet of things, 3D technologies (3d printing), digital transformation, programming, drones etc. Participants are expected to work on exciting projects, based on the latest trends and technologies (using of IoT, 3D technologies, Python, Analysing Social Media Trends), and the acquired knowledge will enable them to more easily build their future in one of the areas they choose with this program.

In the context of EuroCC project NCC Montenegro and Capacity building activities – Roadmap towards the successful Implementation, selected candidates will have the opportunity to participate in training led by professionals in the given fields, and then to test the extent to which they can apply the acquired knowledge to solve specific problems within individual work or group projects. Within these training events, students will work on the latest technologies, while at the same time they will get to know modern trends from various fields, solving current challenges, practicing teamwork, learning how to think outside of the box.

Some of the themes include Analysing Social Media Trends – participants of this program will gain the opportunity to work in one of the most popular areas of artificial intelligence (AI) called Natural Language Processing (NLP), which aims to analyse text (social networks, news, books, etc.) and make decisions from them. Also, IoT workshop – ThingSpeak, Python GUI Programming, OpenCV workshop any many others.

Training will be organized during March 2021 at the University of Donja Gorica.