Presentation of the EuroHPC calls for HPC resources to Čikom

The continuation of the consultations of the NCC team of Montenegro with the company Čikom and its sister company ITAS, was carried out on Friday, March 21, at the premises of the company Čikom. The meeting was attended by the CEO of the company Čikom, Vladan Tabaš, and the CEO of the company ITAS, Ivan Bošković, as well as representatives of the NCC team of Montenegro, Prof. Dr. Božo Krstajić and Prof. Dr. Enis Kočan. On February 1, the company ITAS began the implementation of the project “AI system for pathological analysis of adenocarcinoma (PathAI)”, which is co-financed by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro, and whose main goal is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of pathological analysis by applying innovative AI solutions. The ITAS team expects to collect and scan the first samples by the end of April, and the obtained images would then need to be processed on HPC resources. The NCC team recommended that ITAS apply to the call for HPC resources during the month of April, and presented the resources that can be obtained, the procedure for applying to the call and completing the application. It was agreed that the NCC team would be available to the ITAS company during the application period.

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NCC team from UoM meets with Cikom and ITAS