Following FiveG’s participation in the EuroCC2 event at the 29th IT Conference and the initial meeting where the preparation of the technical aspects of the identified projects for HPC implementation was agreed upon, we arranged a follow-up meeting at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica, where we have presented the specific HPC resources available to the FiveG team within the EuroCC2 project, as well as the process for applying for these resources.

The meeting was attended by Ivan Šoć (CEO of the FiveG Group) and Marina Braletić (Project Manager), who, after the presentation and clarification of details regarding the resources and application process, expressed interest in applying to Benchmark Call for using the resources for three months in order to develop and test the identified applications. The NCC Montenegro team from UoM (Enis Kočan and Božo Krstajić) recommended specific resources, provided guidance on the application form to be completed, and highlighted key details essential for the application process. It was agreed that FiveG would prepare the application by the next cut-off date (April 1, 2025) and that the HPC NCC Montenegro team would provide them with all necessary assistance in this regard.