NCC Montenegro shared its HPC academic-related experience at the Romanian event “HPC MasterClass”

Representative of NCC Montenegro Ms. Sanja Nikolic participated in the HPC Masterclass, a hybrid event held at “Ovidius” University of Constanța (20-24.05.2024) co-organized by NCC Romania. The second day of the training event was dedicated to NCC’s shared experience on HPC academic utilization and research excellence, introducing presenters from NCC Portugal, Montenegro, Bulgaria, France, and Luxembourg. Ms. Nikolic presented the development of the HPC+ (HPC and related technologies) educational ecosystem in Montenegro, intensively driven by the EuroCC project, NCC Montenegro and the University of Donja Gorica.

NCC Montenegro is focused on developing HPC/HPDA/AI academic programs, study courses, and training portfolios, following a sustained learning pathway:

HPC/AI-related seasonal schools to mobilize high-school students and high-tech enthusiasts to enroll in HPC/AI-related academic programs. (“Open Mind Academy”).
BSc restructured program (M1-Software Development and M2-Digital Transformation), and first nationally accredited AI Master Program, at Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies.
Professional training courses, workshops, and networking events for academia and industry participants providing in-demand HPC/AI knowledge, technical upskilling, and supercomputing hands-on sessions.

NCC Montenegro’s training portfolio covers technology-specific know-how (HPC system architecture and applications, Parallel Programming, Python Programming, Deep Learning, Edge IoT, Computer Vision, NLL) and industry-specific priority domains, defined by the Smart Specialization Strategy of Montenegro (energy, health, tourism, agriculture, ICT).

NCC Montenegro is also fully exploiting joint training opportunities within the pan-European NCC network – to capitalize on their HPC expertise and resources, as well as productive collaboration with key MNE stakeholders (business associations, technical affiliations, and funding institutions) – to enhance national HPC/AI awareness, outreach and uptake.