FF4EuroHPC is a European Initiative that facilitates access to high performance computing technologies for SMEs (https://www.ff4eurohpc.eu/). The FF4EuroHPC OC1 experiments have been successfully completed and FF4EuroHPC is organizing as series of workshops to present the outcomes of these experiments and the benefits of using HPC to a general audience.
The first workshop will be held (digitally) on September 30, 2022 and will present the experiments related to the Manufacturing and Computer Aided Engineering. You can register the workshop of September 30, 2022, click here.
30.09.2022 AGENDA
- 9:30 – 9:35: Welcome & introduction
- 9:35 – 09:55: “AI-Platform for Automated Training of Object Detection Models based on CAD Data” by Lukas KRIETE, Kimoknow
- 10:05 – 10:25: “HPC-based Multi-Physics and Multi-scale modelling of the autoclave process for aeronautical components: main achievements and outcomes” by Pasquale BENE, MANTA Group
- 10:35 – 10:55: “Multi-head Additive Manufacturing with Optimal HPC Thermal Stabilization/AMOTS” by Nikola Blažević , Mikrotvornica Ltd.