FF4EuroHPC is a European Initiative that facilitates access to high performance computing technologies for SMEs (https://www.ff4eurohpc.eu/). The FF4EuroHPC OC1 experiments have been successfully completed and FF4EuroHPC is organizing as series of workshops to present the outcomes of these experiments and the benefits of using HPC to a general audience.
The first workshop will be held (digitally) on September 23rd 2022 and will present the experiments related to the Medical & Drugs sector. You can register the workshop of September 23rd 2022, click here.
23.9.2022 AGENDA
- 9:30 – 9:35: Welcome & introduction
- 9:35 – 09:55: “HPC towards personalized medicine: “PediDose” A pediatric dosimetry platform for clinical use.” by Panagiotis Papadimitroulas, BIOEMTECH
- 10:05 – 10:25: “Advanced HPC based drug discovery with converged Deep Physics and AI” by Robert Marino, Qubit Pharmaceutical (Iktos)
- 10:35 – 10:55: “Copernicus: a cloud-based HPC Platform to Support Systemic-Pulmonary Shunting Procedures” by Edoardo Ferrante, RINA-C