Researchers from UDG and NCC Montenegro will participate in the upcoming IEEE COINS2022 conference in Barcelona, Spain. Two research papers will be presented at the conference presenting the research activities on the use of HPC and machine learning in agriculture and medicine. The conference is taking place 1-2 August 2022. More information on the conference is available here.
NCC Montenegro team members will present two papers on HPC/AI applications in medicine and agriculture
We are continuing with the activities on Open Mind Academy. There will be enrollment into courses targeting high school students for this Summer. A new course for Programming games in Python will be starting soon. There will be courses on HPC/AI and Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, and others (link). Stay tuned!
From the next academic year, classes at the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, will be organized in two modules: Software Development (M1) and Digital Transformation (M2). In the Software Development module, the focus is on the analysis of requirements and design of information systems, programming and agile software development, and system integration and deployment. The Digital Transformation module focuses on information technology management, digital innovation of business processes, and new value of the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and Blockchain.
This approach, together with strengthening foreign language skills of our students, is preparing them for a global labor market. In addition, new modules create a very good foundation for our Master’s studies offering modules Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering and Digital Transformation.
New approach should allow easier transition to new Master program for Artificial Intelligence
EuroCC organized Trainer champions/deputies meeting on 8th June 2022. Participants shared experiences from their countries, discussed modalities of cooperation and get to know each other better. Luka Filipovic, NCC Montenegro, spoke with colleagues from HPC NCC Finland, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and UK.
NGO “IT Društvo” and HPC NCC Montenegro, with support from University of Montenegro and University of Donja Gorica, organized a special session – panel “HPC/AI applications – opportunities, challenges and perspectives” as part of the XXVI scientific-professional conference Information Technology, IEEE IT2022. The event took place on June 4, 2022 in the canyon of the river Tara, municipality of Žabljak, Montenegro. This panel discussion was focused on the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of the application of Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Computing in our country, the region, and around the world.
IEEE IT2022 follow up event: Special Session on HPC/AI and Applications
Representatives from University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University of Montenegro, and University of Donja Gorica took part in these discussions. There was around 35 participants including he representatives of industry from IT, medical, and agricultural sector. The socializing and networking took place in the beautiful ambient of the river Tara. This is another one in the list of events engaging the key partners and industry representatives in Montenegro and the region. More info on the IEEE IT2022 conference is available on the following link.
The event was opened by prof. dr Bozo Krstajic (University of Montenegro) and dr Sandra Tinaj (NCC Montenegro). The event included a lively Q&A session with presentations of projects (FASTER, EUROCC, AIMHIGH). The final list of panelists:
prof. dr Srdjan Krco (DunavNET, Serbia),
prof. dr Almir Badnjevic (VERLAB, Bosnia),
prof. dr Sanja Vujnović (University of Belgrade, Serbia),
prof. dr Slobodan Djukanovic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro),
prof. dr Tomo Popovic (University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro) as moderator.
Arriving to the venue Panel discussions regarding opportunities, challenges and perspectives of HPC/AI and applicationsProf. Božo Krstajić opening speech, panelists were from Montenegro, Bosnia, and SerbiaHPC NCC Montenegro team presented the purpose and activities of the EUROCC projectThe event included a lively Q&A session with presentations of projects
NCC Montenegro and NCC Hungary (KIFÜ) had a very interesting discussion today about various training opportunities. KIFÜ representatives expressed their interest in Open Academy training courses that were offered to high school students. We discussed possibility to collaborate in some future training events.
Meeting of representatives from NCC Hungary (KIFÜ) and NCC Montenegro
H2020 AIMHiGH – FF4EuroHPC Experiment: How can HPC help digital innovation SMEs to improve their offering to agri-food sector, especially to support SMEs coming from agri-food sector. We use HPC and AI to develop advanced computer vision tools based on ML and Edge AI that can be used as a part of IoT-based digital farm management tools. It has been a full year since we started and here are some of the highlights of the collaboration between DigitalSmart Montenegro, DunavNET, and University of Donja Gorica (HPC NCC Montenegro and FoodHub CoE). Entering the overall verification and validation stage of the project.