EuroCC NCC Montenegro – National Center of Competence in the field of high performance computing (HPC) at UDG through the EuroCC project continues with activities and organisation of a set of events and programs for all Montenegrin institutions but also individuals interested in learning more about using advanced HPC technology to improve business and competitiveness. In accordance with the NCC Montenegro Roadmap and planned activities, EuroCC NCC Montenegro will implement two sets of events in December 2021, a training program that includes specialized training for Montenegrin institutions called High Performance Computing and Digitization and a national conference on Industry 4.0 and Cyber Security issues in Montenegro.

After the first phase of activities in which the needs, problems and weaknesses of the Montenegrin economy in the possibility of applying HPC for digitalization of business processes were analyzed, a training program in the field of HPC was created for their needs, which will be implemented in December 2021 and 2022. The first specialized training for Montenegrin institutions, called High Performance Computing and Digitization, will be organized online, on December 8th, 2021. in cooperation with a partner institution, ARCTUR, while the second set of programs will be organized during 2022. Within the set of programs, support is also planned for improving the capacity of students to realize business ideas and start startups in the field of HPC.In addition to the mentioned set of trainings, NCC Montenegro will organize a national conference on Industry 4.0 and Cyber Security issues in Montenengro, where reference solutions on the possibility of applying HPC in the process of digitalization of business processes will be presented. The conference will be realized by UDG and in cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. The national conference will be held on December 15th, 2021 and will provide an opportunity to network and establish cooperation with NCC Montenegro – UDG, the national coordinator in all areas related to HPC at the national level with other academic institutions, industry and public administration.