Course Description
During this training, participants are expected to master the basic programming language Python. In the first part of the training, the student will learn how to install the necessary tools for writing and running Python code. In the following, they will get acquainted with the basic data types (numbers, strings, Boolean) and the fitness operator. Next, students will learn about non-primitive data types in Python (lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries), and in addition loops (while and for) and create basic functions. After that, students will learn how to do simple file processing (write, read, change). Also, we will talk about concepts of object-oriented programming and functional programming with practical tasks. In the main part of the course, participants will work on the implementation of a simple game using the Python package pyGame.
In the final part, participants will work on finalizing the development of the game, and after that they will get acquainted with the package, which is used for asynchronous programming in Python.

Trainer – Stevan Čakić, Phd candidate
Stevan Čakić currently works as Research Assistant at University of Donja Gorica. Main interests are image processing and ML in general. Stevan works on some national and international projects such as DEMETER (smart agriculture in Europe, H2020), Viral (trainings in smart agriculture, Erasmus+), FoodHub center of excellency (food quality trace and track software development), etc. He also works as teaching assistant on IT subjects: Introduction to programming, Data structures and algorithms, Web development. Stevan is also author on some research papers mostly in AI field. Also, Stevan is doctoral student at University of Donja Gorica in the field of computer science. For more details you can find me on LinkedIn, ResearchGate or Github.