2025/02 – 2026/06
The GenAI-HPC4WB project combines generative AI, machine learning, and high-performance computing (HPC) to optimize hiring processes and enhance business culture in the Balkan region. It analyzes psychometric data, CVs, and interviews using AI models tailored to Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian. The project evaluates over 10,000 CVs with models like LLaMA 3.0 and Mistral, analyzes voice recordings to detect traits like confidence, and studies video interviews to identify emotions and micro-expressions. HPC resources enable efficient processing of large datasets, improving the accuracy and scalability of these AI-driven assessments.

Aimed at transforming recruitment for organizations of all sizes, the project enhances candidate evaluations by integrating psychometric data with multimodal AI analysis. It streamlines hiring by reducing bias and offering deeper insights into candidates’ skills and cultural fit. By leveraging HPC, GenAI-HPC4WB delivers scalable and efficient hiring solutions, setting new standards in AI-driven recruitment. The project is implemented through partnership with Recrewty DOO as a FFPlus Open Call #1 Experiment. FFPlus receives funding received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101163317. The JU receives support from the Digital Europe Programme. More info at [link].

2024/01 – 2026/12
The eye serves as a window for non-invasive assessment of retinal vascular and neural tissue, offering valuable insight into our health. Extensive research has established the association between changes in retinal morphology and the increased risk for many age-related chronic diseases. These changes are also linked to healthy aging, albeit more pronounced in the presence of age-related chronic conditions. This project is implemented as collaboration between Faculty for informations systems and technologies at University of Donja Gorica and Faculty of medicine at University of Montenegro. The prokject is funded as scientific research grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

The AI-AGE project proposes the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms and evaluation of state-of-the-art AI tools to train and create prediction models to identify novel non-invasive biomarkers of aging, and increased risk for development of age-related conditions. The idea is to utilize a large dataset of annotated retinal images from the UK Biobank, to explore deep learning (DL) techniques, most commonly based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), such as U-Net and Res-Net, and transformers, but also to expand the research on the use of ensemble methods that combine ML techniques to improve performance and accuracy. More info at [link].

2023/01 – 2024/12
The full title of this new project is “Building scientific and innovation potential to utilize HPC and AI for S3 Smart Specialisation in Montenegro – HPC4S3ME” and it is funded by the IPA II program, call reference EuropeAid/172-351/ID/ACT/ME.
The overall objective of HPC4S3ME project is to contribute to straightening research excellence by building scientific and innovation potential based on the use of high performance computing and artificial intelligence (AI) for applications in industrial domains proposed by the Smart Specialisation Strategy (2019-2024) for Montenegro. The implementation of this project will provide a state-of-the-art environment for young researchers to gain experience in research and development in computer science, more specifically to apply machine learning and deep learning algorithms supported by HPC in order to create innovative information-communication technology solutions for applications in agriculture and food value chain, health and tourism, energy and sustainable environment, namely the priority domains identified by the smart specialisation strategy. More info at [link]

AI Fusion
2024/09 – 2024/12
Artificial intelligence in agriculture, medicine and energy (AI Fusion) supported by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro
The University of Donja Gorica, with the support of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro, as part of the program for the organization of education in the areas of smart specialization of Montenegro, organizes a three-month training called “AIFUSION – Artificial intelligence in agriculture, medicine and energy.” The course will be held in the period from the end of September (September 21) to the end of December (December 21) 2024. Leanr more about the conference at [link].

2023/09 – 2023/12
Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy (AI4S3) co-funded by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro.
NCC Montenegro team members and the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies (UDG), with the support of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro as part of the program to encourage the development of innovation culture and the organization of education in the areas of expertise in Montenegro, organizes a three-month training called “AI4S3 – Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy” which will be held in the period from the beginning of October to the end of December 2023. More about the project at [link].

AIMIGH (FF4EuroHPC experiment)
2021/05 – 2022/08
AI/ML Enabled by HPC for Edge Camera Devices for the Next Generation Hen Farms and it is funded as an application experiment within Horizon 2020 FF4EuroHPC project.
The AIMHiGH project proposes the use of HPC and deep learning AI to create prediction models that can be deployed on the edge devices equipped with camera sensors for the use in IoT/AI solutions in the poultry sector. UDG will be providing HPC and domain expertise through NCC Montenegro and FoodHub Centre of Excellence. The AIMHiGH project proposes the use of HPC and deep learning AI to create prediction models that can be deployed on the edge devices equipped with camera sensors for the use in IoT/AI solutions in the poultry sector. DunavNET provides an expertise in AI/ML, IOT and software development, while University of Donja Gorica will be providing HPC and domain expertise through NCC Montenegro and FoodHub Centre of Excellence. Montenegrin companies Meso-promet Franca and Radinović Company will be taking part in the evaluation and piloting process. The project is fully aligned with the priorities of S3 Smart Specialisation strategy for Montenegro. More information at [link].

Digital Technologies for Food Safety Decision Support
This project focused on developing efficient decision-support guidelines for Montenegrin food business operators and government agencies involved in food safety and disease outbreak investigations. It leveraged the research, expertise, and resources established at BfR and KLU in open-source software development, algorithm design, and food supply chain modeling. Key topics included data analytics and machine learning algorithms, which were simulated and applied to large datasets within food supply chains. The project is implemented by The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Kühne Logistics University (KLU) and University of Donja Gorica (UDG) – Centre of Excellence for Digitalisation of Microbial Food Safety Risk Assessment and Quality Parameters for Accurate Food Authenticity Certification (FoodHub). Funding for the project was provided through the program “Stärkung Deutschlands im Europäischen Forschungs- und Bildungsraum” to support research and development initiatives between Germany and the Western Balkan countries (WBC2019).