HPC4SME Assessment Tool

Are you ready to use HPC?

Within the EuroCC project, National Competence Centres (NCCs) were established across Europe to serve as a contact point for users from industry, science and public sector that are interested in using High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence technologies and applications, to accelerate their digital transformation, industry competitiveness and innovation potential.

HPC4SME Assessment Tool offers the opportunity to discover IF and HOW the organization can benefit from supercomputing services. This process entails the following steps:

  • Go through the Self-Assessment Process and discover your Cloud HPC potential.
  • Contact your NCC and apply for free consultancy, trainings and trial use of supercomputing infrastructure.
  • Go to market and become an EU Success Story!

The HPC4SME tool will simply lead you through the questionnaire. The whole process takes approx. 30 minutes. The questionnaire allows you to pause answering, save them and complete latter. During the assessment process, you have access to i-learning tool and expert support.

Click on image to open the self-assessment tool

The outcomes of self-assessment process include the automatic generation of a self-explanatory report for the participating organization, and valuable recommendation how to benefit by using HPC in their business.

For organizations with potential to use HPC, assistance and support is offered by the National Competence Centre. The organization has the opportunity to take advantage of close collaboration with national HPC experts, including consulting services, technical trainings and free access to European supercomputing infrastructure for initial experiments (knowledge and technology transfer).

HPC4SME Assessment Tool was developed by Arctur d.o.o. Slovenia, and upgraded 2023 during the EUROCC2 (Digital Europe). Generated self-evaluation report is the result of the collective teamwork of leading European HPC experts.

We kindly invite you to visit the HPC4S4SME ATT website at link, where you can start with the assessment. Please do not hesitate to contact us for help with this process.